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Full Version: grouplist control orientation?
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I'm trying to put one image on an other with grouplist, without success.
This is The goal:

when using grouplist control all i can get is the oppiste direction from what I wish.
<control type="grouplist">
    <control type="image">disc1</control>
    <control type="image">disc2</control>
    <control type="image">disc3</control>
so I get the third disc on top:

and If I flip the order, disc3,disc2,disc1: this is the result:
again not what I want (I want disc1 to be on the left and on top)

itemgap=-90 is created for making the images be one on the other, if I use itemgap=90 - there will be spaces between them.
so I can't figure it out how to make what I wish too.

Meanwhile I'm using just 3 seperated controls with posx\posy and It looks good
But I want to use the grouplist, because If I have 10 discs, and 5,6,7 is without art, I want the rest to appear without spaces.. like disc4 and disc8 connected.
Right align the grouplist and use control coordinates (<usecontrolcoords>true</usecontrolcoords>), add the discs in reverse order to the grouplist, use negative left positions for each disc.

EDIT: You'll also need a slide animation based on the number of visible discs as well.
Thank You!
but I can't get it... when using <usecontrolcoords> - i cannot see the png's at all! tried couple of vars to posx (0\negative\positive) - nada.
here is the code:

putted <posx>0 for now - just to show you... tried different methods...

the first item is disc3, then disc2, then disc1.

edit: ok I saw I use twice posy and because of that the png didn't showed up, now they appear - but still can't get which number to put for show like I want to...
the first disc is always stick to the right side of the screen when align=right ... can't move it from there no matter what Im trying.
are you sure I need align right? can you check it?
Change the posx of each one so that the first (disc3) is furthest to the right and the next halfway and the last all the way to the left.
I tried everything - please give me some numbers that should work for start - ill keep from there, but I can't move the first disc from stick to the right ....

I feel to say again what The goal is - because if it is no possible - i'll give up:
I want the first disc to show in: 140\425 (posx\posy). then I want the second one in 240\425, then 340\425 etc....and only If art is availeble, so if disc2 has no art - disc 3 will show in disc2 position.
First on top, then second behind etc...

numbers will be great..
posx\posy of every item?
? Sad
Basically the one you want at the bottom has to be drawn first - I'd simply code all the discs at the same position but in reverse order and then use slide animations to get them in their respective places without using a grouplist.
yes, that what i'm using now - but in case some discs has no art - the rest will show not in their places...
like if I have 10 discs, and only 1 and 10 has art. (2-8 hasnt) - I want 1 and 10 to show toghether and not far away from each other
so that why I want to use grouplist - when item doesnt excist - the next one will take his place..
but without success so far.
Maybe you could try using an animation to rotate the grouplist 180° horizontally and do the same with the disc images?
what a great idea! from first look it seems to be working!

but now another problems that I believe can be solved easly with the right configuration.
I get weird things from the animation (I am not good at it)
I think the reason is that I don't understand what to put between the <animation> tags...
Visible\WindowsOpen ?
I tried diff combinations, and nothing work flawlessly,
Like in every change I made - I press F5 (which does SkinReload() ) and then sometimes the discs is 180 flipped, sometimes not, sometimes It do slide from the left to the right, and sometimes not...)
can't get It work flawlessly,
the mission is that every time you focus on item in the list that is "set" disc1,2,3... will slide from the left to right (-700 to 0)...

by the way, they stick to the bottem after I flip them, and I think I need to do another slide to make them a little higher now... weird too

here is the code

here is some of the weird behaviors:
in the top - disc1 is flipped and all of them is stick to the bottom.
in the bottom - the order is not correct (disc1 should be on top in the left side)
http://imgur.com/qVHf2oT - even more weird
bad news:
Ok, without succes with animation - I checked what happen when some discs missing art, like if no art for 1,2,3 and only for 4,5 and the result is:
which is no good... the whole point of grouplist is to make them stick to the poster even whem some art are missing.

So I thing this Is will remain unsolved.
Maybe for now I will use grouplist without 180 flipping, and in this case the most right disc will be the first...no other solution... so It wil be 3-2-1..etc
still, a liitle help in the animation will be blessed. Thank you
Actually all you need do for the disc images are add flipx="true" to the texture. And the grouplist animation needs to be Conditional with condition="true".

<animation effect="rotatey" center="x,y" end="180" condition="true">Conditional</animation>

but you'll need to play around with center="x,y".
ok, I added "flipx" to all the textures (5 discs total), then the discs were fliped like in a mirror.
So I putted the rotatey in the grouplist with 510,0 and end=180 and it seems to work, no mirror anymore - but still they were 180 upside down
so I added rotate by 180 - and then they all apear right - but they start sticking to the bottom of the screen -
so I added third and last slide animation to get them 0,60 in the end
now they all apear fine -
The Idea is working - I checked sets with no art in disc1,2,3 and only in 4,5 - and they appear in the right place (right to the poster, not in the "air") - fine by now.
BUT the main problem is AGAIN - the first disc is in the right, like: 5,4,3,2,1.... and no 1,2,3,4,5!!! arrrrr
I'm tired from flipiing again again and again.....lol!
Solution ?
You definitely only need to use one rotate animation with the flipped images.



flipx="true" and <animation effect="rotatey" center="x,z" end="180" condition="true">Conditional</animation>


As you can the first poster is now drawn over the second and so on.
thanks, tried without success (whats new?)

for the grouplist I used:
rotateY 510,0 end=180
and thats it,
for every texture i used
flipy="true" flipx="false"
in the texture, and added:
<animation effect="rotate" start="0" end="180" center="auto" time="0" condition="true">Conditional</animation>
so the result is half-way....
now the order is right, like: 1,2,3 and not 3,2,1... and 1 is in the top like it should be.
BUT, now the whole group stick to the right, like it look good only if I have 5 discs - they all fit in place, but If i have 1 - he is apear in the "5" postion, if I have two discs thery apear in "4,5" position... etc.

So maybe I get you wrong but I didn't success by myself
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