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Full Version: label2 on my list item does not display
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I had a script that ran fine on XBMC Gotham, however when I upgraded to Kodi I encountered the following problem. I create a list item like this...

litem = xbmcgui.ListItem(label='Title', label2='Other meta info here', iconImage='icon_resource_name.png')

The icon and label display fine but label2 does not. I checked the documentation and the api has not changed. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Some skins dont display the second label.

What skin is being used?
Confluence. I was using confluence before and label2 worked.
What window?
The window that I'm not seeing label2 on is a modification of the transmission addon. The transmission addon is a GUI frontend to transmission daemon. I never like the way it displayed the search results so I created my own script in which the search results display in a control list. My script worked fine on Gotham, it doesn't in Helix. I can post my code if you want.
Couldnt hurt.
Here is the class that creates the window containing the search results...

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2010 Correl J. Roush

import sys
import base64
import threading
import xbmc
import xbmcgui
from basictypes.bytes import Bytes
import transmissionrpc
import searchall
import common
import os
import traceback

from default import BASE_MEDIA_PATH

_ = sys.modules[ "__main__" ].__language__
__settings__ = sys.modules[ "__main__" ].__settings__


EXIT_SCRIPT = ( 6, 10, 247, 275, 61467, 216, 257, 61448, )
CANCEL_DIALOG = EXIT_SCRIPT + ( 216, 257, 61448, )


STATUS_ICONS = {'stopped': 'pause.png',
                'seeding': 'ok.png',
                'downloading': 'down.png'}

class TransmissionGUI(xbmcgui.WindowXMLDialog):
    def __init__(self, strXMLname, strFallbackPath, strDefaultName, bforeFallback=0):
        self.list = {}
        self.torrents = {}
        self.timer = None
    def set_settings(self, params):
        __settings__.setSetting('rpc_host', params['address'])
        __settings__.setSetting('rpc_port', params['port'])
        __settings__.setSetting('rpc_user', params['user'])
        __settings__.setSetting('rpc_password', params['password'])
    def onInit(self):
        p = xbmcgui.DialogProgress()
        p.create(_(32000), _(32001)) # 'Transmission', 'Connecting to Transmission'
            self.transmission = common.get_rpc_client()
            (type, e, traceback) = sys.exc_info()
            message = _(32900) # Unexpected error
            if type is transmissionrpc.TransmissionError:
                if e.original:
                    if e.original.code is 401:
                        message = _(32902) # Invalid auth
                        message = _(32901) # Unable to connect
                if xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno(_(32002), message, _(32003)):
            elif type is ValueError:
                # In python 2.4, urllib2.HTTPDigestAuthHandler will barf up a lung
                # if auth fails and the server wants non-digest authentication
                message = _(32902) # Invalid auth
                if xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno(_(32002), message, _(32003)):
                message = _(32900) # Unexpected error
                xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(_(32002), message)
            return False
        self.timer = threading.Timer(UPDATE_INTERVAL, self.updateTorrents)
    def updateTorrents(self):
        list = self.getControl(120)
        self.torrents = self.transmission.info()
        for i, torrent in self.torrents.iteritems():
            statusline = "[%(status)s] %(down)s down (%(pct).2f%%), %(up)s up (Ratio: %(ratio).2f)" % \
                {'down': Bytes.format(torrent.downloadedEver), 'pct': torrent.progress, \
                'up': Bytes.format(torrent.uploadedEver), 'ratio': torrent.ratio, \
                'status': torrent.status}
            if i not in self.list:
                # Create a new list item
                l = xbmcgui.ListItem(label=torrent.name, label2=statusline)
                self.list[i] = l
                # Update existing list item
                l = self.list[i]
            l.setProperty('TorrentStatusIcon', STATUS_ICONS.get(torrent.status, 'pending.png'))
            l.setProperty('TorrentID', str(i))
            l.setProperty('TorrentProgress', "%3d%%" % torrent.progress)

        removed = [id for id in self.list.keys() if id not in self.torrents.keys()]
        if len(removed) > 0:
            # Clear torrents from the list that have been removed
            for id in removed:
                del self.list[id]
            for id, item in self.list.iteritems():

        # Update again, after an interval, but only if the timer has not been cancelled
        if self.timer:
          self.timer = threading.Timer(UPDATE_INTERVAL, self.updateTorrents)
    def onClick(self, controlID):
        list = self.getControl(120)
        if (controlID == 111):
            kb = xbmc.Keyboard('', 'Search')
            if not kb.isConfirmed():
            terms = kb.getText()
            p = xbmcgui.DialogProgress()
            p.create(_(32000), _(32290))
                engines = searchall.SearchAllMt(1, terms)
                results = engines.torrents
            except Exception as e:
                # xbmcgui.Dialog().ok("tracking error", str(traceback.format_exc()))
                xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(_(32000), _(32292))
            if not results:
                xbmcgui.Dialog().notification(_(32000), 'No Torrents Found', xbmcgui.NOTIFICATION_INFO)

            srw = SearchResults("script-Transmission-searchresults.xml", __settings__.getAddonInfo('path'), "Default")
            srw.transmission = self.transmission
            srw.results = results
            del srw
        if (controlID == 112):
            # Remove selected torrent
            item = list.getSelectedItem()
            selected_rm = xbmcgui.Dialog().select(_(32000),['Torrent and Data','Torrent','Cancel'])
            if selected_rm == 0 and item:
                self.transmission.remove(int(item.getProperty('TorrentID')), True)
            elif selected_rm == 1 and item:
                self.transmission.remove(int(item.getProperty('TorrentID')), False)

        if (controlID == 113):
            # Stop selected torrent
            item = list.getSelectedItem()
            if item:
        if (controlID == 114):
            # Start selected torrent
            item = list.getSelectedItem()
            if item:
        if (controlID == 115):
            # Stop all torrents
        if (controlID == 116):
            # Start all torrents
        if (controlID == 117):
            # Exit button
        if (controlID == 118):
            # Settings button
            prev_settings = common.get_settings()
            p = xbmcgui.DialogProgress()
            p.create(_(32000), _(32001)) # 'Transmission', 'Connecting to Transmission'
                self.transmission = common.get_rpc_client()
                xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(_(32002), _(32901))
                # restore settings
                    self.transmission = common.get_rpc_client()
                except err:
                    xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(_(32002), _(32901))
        if (controlID == 120):
            # A torrent was chosen, show details
            item = list.getSelectedItem()
            w = TorrentInfoGUI("script-Transmission-details.xml", __settings__.getAddonInfo('path') ,"Default")
            w.setTorrent(self.transmission, int(item.getProperty('TorrentID')))
            del w
    def onFocus(self, controlID):

    def onAction( self, action ):
        if ( action.getButtonCode() in CANCEL_DIALOG ) or (action.getId() == KEY_MENU_ID):
    def close(self):
        if self.timer:
        super(TransmissionGUI, self).close()

class SearchResults(xbmcgui.WindowXMLDialog):
    def __init__(self, strXMLname, strFallbackPath, strDefaultName):
        self.results = []
        self.transmission = None

    def onInit(self):
        bkgrd_img_path = os.path.join(BASE_MEDIA_PATH, 'transmission-dialog.png')
        self.bkgrd_image = xbmcgui.ControlImage(0, 0, 850, 540, bkgrd_img_path)

        self.close_button = xbmcgui.ControlButton(740, 0, 64, 32, '',
                                                  'DialogCloseButton-focus.png', 'DialogCloseButton.png')

        self.rlist = xbmcgui.ControlList(32, 32, 790, 520,
                                         _itemTextXOffset=5, _itemTextYOffset=-1, _imageWidth=16,

        for result in self.results:
            label = '%s' % result['name']
            label2 = '%s (%d)' % (result['size'], result['seeds'])
            litem = xbmcgui.ListItem(label=label, label2=label2, iconImage=result['icon'])


    def onAction( self, action ):
        if ( action.getButtonCode() in CANCEL_DIALOG ) or (action.getId() == KEY_MENU_ID):

    def onClick(self, control):
        sel_pos = self.rlist.getSelectedPosition()
        if control == self.close_button.getId():
        elif control == self.rlist.getId():
                if sel_pos == self.rlist.size():
                xbmcgui.Dialog().notification(_(32000), _(32293), xbmcgui.NOTIFICATION_ERROR)

class TorrentInfoGUI(xbmcgui.WindowXMLDialog):
    def __init__(self, strXMLname, strFallbackPath, strDefaultName, bforeFallback=0):
        self.transmission = None
        self.torrent_id = None
        self.list = {}
        self.timer = None
    def setTorrent(self, transmission, t_id):
        self.transmission = transmission
        self.torrent_id = t_id
        self.timer = threading.Timer(UPDATE_INTERVAL, self.updateTorrent)
    def updateTorrent(self):
        pbar = self.getControl(219)
        list = self.getControl(220)
        labelName = self.getControl(1)
        labelStatus = self.getControl(2)
        labelProgress = self.getControl(11)
        torrent = self.transmission.info()[self.torrent_id]
        files = self.transmission.get_files(self.torrent_id)[self.torrent_id]

        statusline = "[%(status)s] %(down)s down, %(up)s up (Ratio: %(ratio).2f)" % \
            {'down': Bytes.format(torrent.downloadedEver), 'pct': torrent.progress, \
            'up': Bytes.format(torrent.uploadedEver), 'ratio': torrent.ratio, \
            'status': torrent.status}
        if torrent.status is 'downloading':
            statusline += " ETA: %(eta)s" % \
                    {'eta': torrent.eta}

        labelProgress.setLabel('%3d%%' % (torrent.progress))

        for i, file in files.iteritems():
            if i not in self.list:
                # Create a new list item
                l = xbmcgui.ListItem(label=file['name'])
                self.list[i] = l
                # Update existing list item
                l = self.list[i]
            l.setProperty('Progress', '[%3d%%]' % (file['completed'] * 100 / file['size']))

        # Update again, after an interval
        self.timer = threading.Timer(UPDATE_INTERVAL, self.updateTorrent)
    def onInit(self):
    def close(self):
        if self.timer:
        super(TorrentInfoGUI, self).close()
    def onAction(self, action):
        if (action.getButtonCode() in CANCEL_DIALOG) or (action.getId() == KEY_MENU_ID):
    def onClick(self, controlID):
        if controlID == 111:
    def onFocus(self, controlID):

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print 'test'

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
And the xml?

And the code calling this window?

I've got same problem for an addon i've developped for XBian, (label1 and label2 have disapeared too for me)
it was ok for gotham (frodo too), but not for Kody
it's not me that have fixed this,
but looks like it was due to the position of label, something must have changed in Kodi

here's the fix if it can help :


XML is a template, but this part of code is fixed, only content item is added at runtime.
I posted the code that calls the SearchResults window and it's XML. I also tried rewriting this class as a WindowDialog subclass and the result is still the same, label2 does not show up.

It looks like you're using XML to specify the position of your list item label and label2. I could try this approach. For example I could wait for the search results and generate a temporary xml file with a list item for each result where I explicitly specify the positions of label1 and label2 the way you did. If this bug isn't fixed I may do this, but it seems like a clunky work around for something that should work the way I have it implemented right now.
we made some alignment changes to labels inside containers in Kodi Helix.
see: 1718582 (post)

you just need to update the skin part of your addon.
Thanks, i've got the explanation now.