Kodi Community Forum

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eu estou usando em meu computador o windows 8 então não tem como atualizar para a versão 17 kodi e também quero ajudar a comunidade contribuindo só que não tenho cartão de credito e o que tenho esta parcelado ate mês 10,2017 e não sei e não consegui no debito como transfere cia peço paciençia comigo agradecido não sei falar ingles nem escrever em ingles ate logo ,R,R,S
Sorry we are an English language forum. There is a Brazilian Portugese forum here: http://www.xbmcbrasil.net/

Here is the google translate if anyone is able to help

I am using windows 8 on my computer so I can not upgrade to kodi version 17 and I also want to help the community by contributing only that I do not have a credit card and what I have is installment until 10,2017 months and I do not know and I could not I do not debit as a transfer, I ask for my patience, thankful I do not know how to speak English or write in English until soon, R, R, S
You've now been told 5 times that the forum language is English, consider this your final warning on the subject as it's becoming tedious.

Or with the aid of Google Translate -

O idioma do fórum é somente em inglês. Não publique em nenhum outro idioma - use o Google Tradutor ou algo assim, se necessário.
Good evening friends of the kodi community I am very pleased to be part of this community I hope to be able to help everyone by contributing or sharing the products, okay.
I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a happy 2017 I am very happy to have become a part of you. I'm sorry for not being able to contribute with my contributions, as I said I'm paying my credit card in installments, I recognize that everything has expenses and in I'll soon do my part gratefull.