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Full Version: Fixing the movie lists
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I'd like to fix the movie lists, especially the wide list.

- make it 50:50 instead of 30:70?
- remove the spoiler text
- increase the poster size
- disable the distracting alphabet letter (top mid) while scrolling
- increase background transparency to see more fanart

I tried to dig through the xml files but I can't grasp whre is what and how to change it. Are there docs on this somewhere?
(2017-04-23, 14:42)früherwarallesbesser Wrote: [ -> ]I'd like to fix the movie lists, especially the wide list.

- make it 50:50 instead of 30:70?
- remove the spoiler text
- increase the poster size
- disable the distracting alphabet letter (top mid) while scrolling
- increase background transparency to see more fanart

I tried to dig through the xml files but I can't grasp whre is what and how to change it. Are there docs on this somewhere?

- open View_55Widelist.xml and increase the first <left> from 594 to how much you want, then do the same (same amount from the default 654) for the width param of ContentPanel inside ListThumbInfoPanel inside View_50_List.xml; then you will have to play around with sizes and positions of images and the other groups inside the same ListThumbInfoPanel

- if you mean the "hidden b/c of spoilers" message you can't, if you mean the whole text, then just delete the textbox that has something like ListItem.Plot

- what I said in the first in the answer

- you can delete the block at the bottom of TopBar in Includes.xml, it's the one with ListItem.SortLetter; or you can add an option to hide it in SkinSettings.xml and just add in that block <visible>!Skin.HasSetting(hide_scroll_label)</visible>

- transparency: what he said, but don't forget to change the scroll label in Includes .xml after that; or in Includes.xml, DefaultBackground there are two images with colordiffuse="37FFFFFF"; increase the 3 to increase the transparency, but it applies only to the background, not to the side panel
@adun79 thank you for this extensive answer, I would try it right now but OpenElec is an additional hurdle. Will report back!