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[RELEASE] Amazon Prime Instant Video plug-in addon - Printable Version

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- bpfeil - 2011-08-28

snpyjc Wrote:No, you just need to overwrite the librtmp.dll on your system with the one from that zip file.

Thanks again. Working great now.

- snpyjc - 2011-08-28

bpfeil Wrote:Thanks again. Working great now.

Glad to help, all my own struggles in figuring this stuff out have paid off, it's nice to be able to pass on some of what I've learned from everyone's hard work to someone else.

- Hamgeek - 2011-08-29

BlueCop Wrote:are you a prime member? what version are you using?

i would double check user/pass

Yes, I have Prime. I'm running Win 7 x86 pro with XBMC 10.1 (Mar 8 2011)

And... yes I found a typo in the user name. It works now. I must be getting old. I can't believe I made such a mistake.

Still slow to bring up menu and slow to start playing, but works good.

Saved me buying a Roku box. Big Grin

Thanks BlueCop.


- BlueCop - 2011-08-29

hamgeek: which version of the script are you using? it should be very quick loading listings.

- aw_309 - 2011-08-29


- Hamgeek - 2011-08-29

BlueCop Wrote:hamgeek: which version of the script are you using? it should be very quick loading listings.

Version: 0.0.9

- cmo1982 - 2011-08-31

Hey BlueCop - I am also having issues with the plugin. Like Hamgeek, loading the initial menu (Moves, TV Shows, HDTV Shows) is slow. Attempting to open the stream is also slow (over a minute, probably).

I only just now got the stream to work and my version says 0.0.9.

I'm running XBMC 10.1 under Windows 7 Home Premium, 32-bit.

Another symptom I've noticed is with system slow down during and a few minutes after using the plugin. Let me know if you need more information.

And, just so I'm not sounding ungrateful, thanks for the plugin! I was hoping this would work under XBMC since the PS3 doesn't have an app for it! =)

- BlueCop - 2011-08-31

thanks I downgraded to 10.1 on windows and it does have some kind of slow down. I didn't experience this in the newer builds.

I will try to see what is happening. I don't seem to get the same slow down on linux or mac using 10.1.

- cmo1982 - 2011-08-31

Thanks for the update. Is there a daily build of XBMC for Windows that works well for you? I don't mind updating if it's not going to cause me too many headaches.

I appreciate for the help!

- FuzzeWuzze - 2011-09-02

Does anyone know if this works in OpenElec?

- BlueCop - 2011-09-02

cmo1982: Not really sorry. I am still looking into the issue.
FuzzeWuzze: yes

I committed an update which changes the way the movie db works. It just grabs much more information now.

I have added many meta-data fields to the moviedb including name, poster, plot, director, runtime, year, premiered, studio, mpaa, actors, genres, rating, and votes.

I have only added genre movie listings right now. I am adding more listings based on the metadata( year, director, actors, mpaa rating).

It also should assign all available meta-data to the file items.

I also added Trailer Playback infolabels to movies and tv shows. So you can play a trailer from the amazon for that movie or episode if they have it available. Episodes are generally previews more often then trailers but they are provided that same way. These trailers are provided from amazon.

There are also several new of sorting methods for the movies added as well.

I plan to add more to the TV db of shows after I am done with the various modes for movie listings. This will be an update for show information inself. TV episodes already had all the available meta-data set including plot, season, episode, and airdate. It is scrapes when loading the tv page and it is not cached.

- incansandtwine - 2011-09-02

Just installed latest version (0.1.0) on today's daily build (XBMC pre11 Sep 2) and got this error:

10:33:47 T:140029460383488 INFO: -->Python script returned the following error<--
10:33:47 T:140029460383488 ERROR: Error Type: <type 'exceptions.NameError'>
10:33:47 T:140029460383488 ERROR: Error Contents: global name 'episode_url' is not defined
10:33:47 T:140029460383488 ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/htpc/.xbmc/addons/plugin.video.amazon/default.py", line 729, in <module>
exec '%s()' % mode
File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
File "/home/htpc/.xbmc/addons/plugin.video.amazon/default.py", line 650, in LIST_EPISODES
data = getURL(episode_url)
NameError: global name 'episode_url' is not defined
10:33:47 T:140029460383488 INFO: -->End of Python script error report<--

Any ideas?

- BlueCop - 2011-09-02

yeap left a typo in the episode listing. already committed a fix.

latest should be 0.1.6 with all the movie listing options

sorry had a couple problems. err im an idiot

I would like some opinions on how to handle the tv shows. Should I list shows instead of seasons of shows like amazon does? Seasons would then be sub directories of the shows. should I leave it like it is or should I separate the shows.

- snpyjc - 2011-09-02

Thanks BlueCop for making this plugin even better with the movie listing options. As far as the TV listings, my preference is to have the shows listed, then to have the seasons as sub directories.

Metadata - ndeshmukh - 2011-09-03

In the last couple of days I had made changes to the addon to get Metadata for TVshows from Tvdb, and was going to send them to Bluecop this weekend, but I guess Blue cop has already beaten me to it.

Well anyways, it was not a pointless exercise, I have learnt more about XBMC addons. This weekend I had planned to do the metadata for the movies, but I guess, I will do something else. Maybe turn my attention towards getting better metadata for Hulu. Are you planing to add metadata to Hulu? I would do it mostly to get proper posters and fanarts where I can, or evert to what Hulu gives for others, and keep the HULU description.

Bluecop are there any ids like imdb_id for Hulu items available?

Bluecop do you want updated show.db for Free Cable? I have it updated with shows for Oxygen, Food, and Bravo also. Btw the show db that I have has Poster instead of banners unless there was no poster for that show.
