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- stilger - 2005-03-11

again great work on this script. does anyone know when the changes will be made in the xbmc player core to allow the use of commerical marking?

also - i posted this along with some other oddities earlier but has anyone else had the myth backend lockup when moving around in this script. (usualy when selecting a recorded show to see more information).

i have also had on numerous occasions where i can move around on whatever screen i am on (example: i can move around in the recorded show information page but when i hit exit or menu it does not take me to the previous menu.) the only way i can get out is to reset my xbox.

any pointers would be awesome.

- Loto_Bak - 2005-03-11

i am currently having python lockup when trying to access 'live tv'
other threads are stull running but python is fully locked and no info/warnings appear in the logs

after enabling debug in mythtvmain.py this is the output i'm getting

Quote:23-11-2003 09:15:35 info > singleton.getinstance( t=[<class 'mythtv.settings'>])
23-11-2003 09:15:35 info < singleton.getinstance( t=[<class 'mythtv.settings'>] ) => [<mythtv.settings object at 0x00aa2a50>]
23-11-2003 09:15:35 info > mythtv.settings.getsetting( tag=[mythtv_protocol] )
23-11-2003 09:15:35 info < mythtv.settings.getsetting( tag=[mythtv_protocol] ) => [13]
23-11-2003 09:15:35 info > singleton.getinstance( t=[<class 'mythtv.settings'>])
23-11-2003 09:15:35 info < singleton.getinstance( t=[<class 'mythtv.settings'>] ) => [<mythtv.settings object at 0x00aa2a50>]
23-11-2003 09:15:35 info > mythtv.settings.getsetting( tag=[mythtv_protocol] )
23-11-2003 09:15:35 info < mythtv.settings.getsetting( tag=[mythtv_protocol] ) => [13]
23-11-2003 09:15:35 info > singleton.getinstance( t=[<class 'mythtv.settings'>])
23-11-2003 09:15:35 info < singleton.getinstance( t=[<class 'mythtv.settings'>] ) => [<mythtv.settings object at 0x00aa2a50>]
23-11-2003 09:15:35 info > mythtv.settings.getsetting( tag=[mythtv_protocol] )
23-11-2003 09:15:35 info < mythtv.settings.getsetting( tag=[mythtv_protocol] ) => [13]
23-11-2003 09:15:35 info > singleton.getinstance( t=[<class 'mythtv.settings'>])
23-11-2003 09:15:35 info < singleton.getinstance( t=[<class 'mythtv.settings'>] ) => [<mythtv.settings object at 0x00aa2a50>]
23-11-2003 09:15:35 info > mythtv.settings.getsetting( tag=[mythtv_protocol] )
23-11-2003 09:15:35 info < mythtv.settings.getsetting( tag=[mythtv_protocol] ) => [13]
23-11-2003 09:15:35 fatal exception_access_violation (0xc0000005)
at 0x00224727
23-11-2003 09:15:35 fatal exception_access_violation (0xc0000005)
at 0x00224727

im using mythtv .16
all live tv paths are correct
other sections work just fine
and watching live from the linux box works
xbmc build march-08-2005

after enabling debug ive also noticed that recorded programs no longer works, but works fine with debug disabled.

any insight? i've seen two other users in #xbmc with a simular issue

yes stilgar i've had the same issue time to time. not very often though

- madtw - 2005-03-12

stilger: when you asked if anyone has seen the "myth backend lockup when moving around in this script", do you mean that your backend crashes or do you mean that xbmc becomes unresponsive? i haven't noticed the myth backend locking up or crashing while using the script. i have noticed the problem where sometimes you can't get out of a screen but you can still ftp to xbmc and you can navigate within the screen. however, i haven't been able to track down what is going on in the interpreter. it is like the event handler no longer gets called and so the code that responds to the menu button no longer gets invoked.

loto_bak: the memory access violation means that there is some memory trashing happening in the xbmc memory space. this could be as a result of something completely unrelated or it could be some python code that is triggering a memory error in the python interpreter. i haven't seen this problem on my setup so it is hard to know how to fix it. it could be that some recent cvs changes are not quite stable and that once those are fixed, this problem will go away. i'll try enabling debug in mythtvmain.py to see why the recorded programs isn't working - thanks for the heads up.

with any of these problems, if you can come up with a short set of steps to reproduce it consistently, post the steps here. it will help in tracking down how to fix it...

- Loto_Bak - 2005-03-12

could you give me a date of a build you know is working? i can roll back to test if it an issue with the current cvs.

- madtw - 2005-03-12

the last time i used live tv was on a feb 3, 2005 build of xbmc. that version supported two mplayer cores. when i tried the newer core, i remember it locking up on video playback when fast forwarding/rewinding.

with the march builds of xbmc, they have removed the old mplayer core in favor of the newer one. fast forwarding is a bit messed up still. also, i noticed my commercial skipping would ditch out of the media file being played (probably related to fast forwarding issues). i'm wondering if live tv playback is messed up as a result?

[edit] i tried live tv on a march 3, 2005 build and it locks up as well. i'm guessing it is the switch to the new mplayer core.

- madtw - 2005-03-12

(j0ly @ mar. 08 2005,09:22 Wrote:this is working great for me, but my live tv does not... i changed the buffers and it worked for a while. the other problem i have is i have 2 encoders on my myth server (pvr250's) and when going to status it breaks the screen (just cosmeticly) the other problem i have is i can only get my live tv from the first encoder in my box (which happens to be an analog line, the second decoder is hooked up to a motorolla dct-2500, so i am not able to get any of my digital channels). just some suggestions, and i would like to personaly thank you for creating this. it wraps my whole systems together perfectly!
can you connect with a browser to the status port on your myth tv backend, save the html to a file, and send it to me? i don't have two tuner cards in my myth tv backend so i'm not sure what the html looks like...

as for not being able to to use the second tuner card for live tv, i'll have a look at the code. i think the code currently just grabs an available encoder on the backend. ideally, it should ask for all encoders that are available and popup a dialog with a list if more than one is available. you could test this by trying to watch live tv while the first tuner card is recording something...

- madtw - 2005-03-13

alright, i have just checked in fixes for live tv and recorded show playback tested with a march 12, 2005 cvs build of xbmc. everything seems to be very stable. live tv was definitely broken... i'm not sure when i checked in the broken code - i'm pretty sure it would not have worked with any version of xbmc. sorry for the red herring there.

fyi, the new mplayer core is much more accurate when seeking. as a result, i removed some workarounds when playing back recorded shows with automatic commercial skipping. the commercial skipping is pretty good now and my xbmc source code changes have made it into cvs now so everyone should be able to try it out with a fairly recent build.

if you think commercials were not skipped correctly, please verify that the myth tv frontend skips the commercial differently before posting a bug report. also, keep in mind that the python myth tv frontend only uses the timing info generated by myth tv to skip commercials. the official myth tv frontend uses the timing info as a guideline and then also analyzes frames to get a smoother commercial skip. the python version will never be as smooth as the official frontend.

- stilger - 2005-03-13

thanks for the commerical skipping. i have compiled the new version of xbmc and xbmcmythtv and i can not figure out how to use it. what keys on the remote access the marks.

- madtw - 2005-03-13

commercial skipping works with recorded shows that have been indexed for commercials by the myth tv backend. when you hit "play" on a recorded show, the script will check to see if you have any commercial marks in the myth backend database. if you have them, it will prompt you if you want to automatically skip commercials before starting playback. then while playing, when it realizes you've reached the start of a commercial break, it will pause the stream and fast forward to the point after the commercial. if you're not seeing the dialog before playback, then either the version of xbmc you have doesn't have the seektime(), gettime(), and gettotaltime() functions exposed in python or you don't have any commercial marks in the database.

- stilger - 2005-03-13

i compiled a new xbmc from cvs today. i also got the latest xbmcmythtv from cvs today. i do not get the dialog. i can use the commerical skip option when watching recorded shows from my myth frontend though. are the changes needed for commercial skipping in the public xbmc cvs?

while testing the latest the script today i did get the problem where i can not go back to the previous menu. i have not got my other problem where my myth backend locks up since yet today.

i have also noticed that on the live tv screen when i am browsing up and down through the channels that i can see all the show information up to the air date line. all the other lines below i can not see. (i think they are description and notes). i can see them fine in the recorded show menu though. i am running 720p as my resolution. i have a ntsc xbox with a uxe softmod.

thanks for all the work on the great script.

- madtw - 2005-03-14

yep, the changes are in the public cvs. i did a full checkout yesterday and got them. make sure you also update to the latest cvs of xbmcmythtv. also, you may want to try deleting all the .pyo files in the xbmcmythtv directory on your xbox to make sure everything gets recompiled. lastly, don't forget to reboot your xbox after deleting those files.

hmm.. i haven't experienced the problem where i can't go back to the previous menu with the latest build. can you reproduce the problem consistently by doing a specific set of steps?

i'm also running in 720p and i can see all of the text. try changing the skin files to adjust things to your liking. if you send the changes back to me and things look good on my setup as well, i can check the skin fixes into cvs so everyone can benefit.

- stilger - 2005-03-14

hmm... when installing a new xbmc i always rename the xbmc directory and then copy a new one onto the xbox.

i just looked at my xbmcmythtv script directory and noticed the .pyo files all have a 3-2-05 date on them. i will delete them and try it. that is probably it.


- stilger - 2005-03-16

i deleted my .pyo files in the xbmcmythtv directory. it still does not seem to be doing commerical marking/skipping. i can not get it to prompt me when i start a recorded show. i will recompile a new xbmc and grab the latest xbmcmythtv from cvs and try it again in the next day or so.

- madtw - 2005-03-17

take a look at mythtvrecordshowdetails.py. change this:

Quote: def isseeksupported( self ):
return xbmc.player..has_key( "seektime" )
Quote: def isseeksupported( self ):
return 1

i put the check in there so that if people run an old version of xbmc, it won't bug them about commercial skipping that isn't supported anyway.

if you still don't get the prompt, then the script probably didn't retrieve any commercial mark information from the myth tv backend. search for the call to "loadmarkup". basically the logic is if seeking is supported by xbmc and some markup was found for the show, ask the user if they want to skip commercials automatically. if they answer yes, then set the commercial skipping flag to true otherwise set it to false. you could hard code the commercial skipping flag to true always and see what happens... but if no markup was loaded, then onplaybackstarted will exit prematurely...

if you don't see the logic described above in the code then you're running an old version. btw, you grabbed the code from cvs instead of the tar.gz from sourceforge, right?

- stilger - 2005-03-17

i am pulling my code from cvs. i will recompile a new xbmc today and and pull the xbmcmythtv code from cvs again just to be sure. after installing it i will test it without making the change. if it still does not work i will make the change you recommend and try it again. i will let you know. thanks for all your help on this.