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Enter / Play = Info View Menu (more like Boxee)? - Printable Version

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- mcborzu - 2010-07-10

I'd always have wanted a screen like so:


I agree with the discussion going on that linking to a small context menu-like dialog would be better going into DialogVideoInfo.xml...And if it makes it's way into XBMC proper since its a important dialog the options should be hard-coded like the context menu and skinners shouldn't be able to add or move around the buttons.

I know Montellese is just learning and trying something out so I don't expect him to be able to do everything, just going the discussion...But yea I always wanted to be able to hit 'Enter' and those common options like the screenshot pop up...

- migueld - 2010-07-10

Jeroen Wrote:It just feels like doing it differently for the sake of being different. Why would you go through the info screen if you can play the movie right away or press the info button when you want to show movie details? It ads a complexity without providing a clear benefit imo. Going through a separate xml would provide a way to present/go to the info screen which a user previously could be unaware of.

Just to chime in, the idea is to simplify interaction, because the user may not be aware of the info button (ie my parents, family, casual users). Personally I'm bothered to access it because I use the Apple remote which is a pain to access. So incorporating this dialog in the usage flow makes it more natural, and the user doesn't need to be aware of secondary buttons.

Now, I do agree that we may need a new info dialog, or tune the existing one. I would prefer tuning the existing one since there isn't much change needed.

- Jeroen - 2010-07-10

migueld Wrote:Personally I'm bothered to access it because I use the Apple remote which is a pain to access.
Just because Apple has an obsessive dislike for buttons doesn't mean the rest of the world needs to adapt to that Wink

migueld Wrote:I would prefer tuning the existing one since there isn't much change needed.
"Tuning" the existing one would mean dozens of skins having to completely change the screen and stripping it of 90% of it's functionality..
Unless you think just giving the play button a more prominent place is all it takes to make the screen suitable for this function.

- Waffa - 2010-07-11

jmarshall Wrote:I think the best thing is to simply have a setting in the mean time until the keymapping system is suitable overhauled - it's way too complicated as it is now (and yet doesn't do simple things like this).


This would be the best solution, leave it up to the user.

Jeroen Wrote:"Tuning" the existing one would mean dozens of skins having to completely change the screen and stripping it of 90% of it's functionality..
Unless you think just giving the play button a more prominent place is all it takes to make the screen suitable for this function.

That would be a option for a skinner.
Adding an extra xml file as you suggested is for sure a lot of work for all skinners

- Jeroen - 2010-07-11

Waffa Wrote:Adding an extra xml file as you suggested is for sure a lot of work for all skinners
Huh Creating an xml somewhat similar in function as the Boxee one in the first post would be really easy and not time consuming at all. It's a window, a poster, a couple of labels and buttons.. 15 minutes?

- Hitcher - 2010-07-11

mcborzu Wrote:I'd always have wanted a screen like so:


I agree with the discussion going on that linking to a small context menu-like dialog would be better going into DialogVideoInfo.xml...And if it makes it's way into XBMC proper since its a important dialog the options should be hard-coded like the context menu and skinners shouldn't be able to add or move around the buttons.

I know Montellese is just learning and trying something out so I don't expect him to be able to do everything, just going the discussion...But yea I always wanted to be able to hit 'Enter' and those common options like the screenshot pop up...
That could easily be achieved making it look like the PLAY option is selected when it's still actually focused on the list and then the first ondown controls the Infoscreen with the second the Trailer.

- Hitcher - 2010-07-11

Jeroen Wrote:Huh Creating an xml somewhat similar in function as the Boxee one in the first post would be really easy and not time consuming at all.

Precisely, and besides we've got to update our skins for the next release anyway.

- migueld - 2010-07-11

Jeroen Wrote:Just because Apple has an obsessive dislike for buttons doesn't mean the rest of the world needs to adapt to that Wink

No of course not, that was my personal gripe with it. My other points still apply for the rest of us Smile

Jeroen Wrote:"Tuning" the existing one would mean dozens of skins having to completely change the screen and stripping it of 90% of it's functionality..
Unless you think just giving the play button a more prominent place is all it takes to make the screen suitable for this function.

Yea, you have a point here. One change that can be done without breaking anything is making "Play" the first and default button, instead of Cast. But I'm not sure about other changes without breaking skins...

- Waffa - 2010-07-11

Jeroen Wrote:Huh Creating an xml somewhat similar in function as the Boxee one in the first post would be really easy and not time consuming at all. It's a window, a poster, a couple of labels and buttons.. 15 minutes?

Yes I'm looking at the first post and the Proposed behavior does look like the info screen as it is right know.
This is xbmc don't turn it into boxee.

Enter should play movie or open full info... up to user but don't let the rest of the world needs to adapt to that extra video info xml.
It only adds more clicks and most skins show so many info already in the views so the little video info pop up would be out off place.

Hitcher Wrote:That could easily be achieved making it look like the PLAY option is selected when it's still actually focused on the list and then the first ondown controls the Infoscreen with the second the Trailer.

Exactly, if you like an extra pop up menu do it like that or what I already said use the free arrow.

- Montellese - 2010-07-11

What about altering the current Info screen in that way that there are two buttons displayed: "Play" and "More" with the Play button being default and when the user clicks "More" it displays all the other action buttons currently available? Is this even possible? It would clean the default info screen of the "expert" functionality but still provide it if really needed (with an extra click though).

- Waffa - 2010-07-11

Yes is possible.
MiniMeedia already has an info screen that not show all info in ones.
It does now show all buttons, could hide them and play can be set default.

- jmarshall - 2010-07-12

Keep things simple.

In settings, you simply have: Default select action Play/Info/Choose

Choose simply pops up the context menu with Play/Info/More. That may as well be the default.


- jmarshall - 2010-07-12


I suggest the following plan:

1. Change the call under iAction == ACTION_SELECT_ITEM in CGUIMediaWindow::OnMessage from OnClick(iItem) to OnSelect(iItem).

2. Add a virtual function in CGUIMediaWindow OnSelect. Have it just call OnClick directly in CGUIMediaWindow.

3. Override this in CGUIWindowVideoBase. Have it call OnInfo instead of OnClick as a test.

This should mean that all video windows (files, library and playlist) will pop up the info dialog instead of playing when you hit select. No other functionality will have been changed - test music or pressing PLAY instead of SELECT for instance.

Once you have that working, post your patch on trac and we'll move on to the settings side of things.


- Montellese - 2010-07-12

Ok I followed your instructions and created the new methods. For now I put into CWindowVideoBase::OnSelect() almost the same code as used when "I" is pressed. I just altered it a bit to be able to still navigate within "folders" like tv shows, seasons, genre, artists etc. That part will have to be adjusted when the new option is introduced.

Here is the link to the Trac ticket: http://trac.xbmc.org/ticket/9588

- Hitcher - 2010-07-15

In action -
