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How to Optimize SSD Boot Drive?? - Printable Version

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- Clumsy - 2011-04-10

I would suggest everybody to cool down a bit. I was very close to closing the topic to avoid further senseless fighting, but since the topic itself is interesting and in my opinion critical questions are important to avoid FUD being spread, I will leave this open and issue a last warning to all parties involved.

- gnif - 2011-04-11

@Clumsy, sure thing Smile I have re-opened the thread

- eskro - 2011-04-11

thanks guys

- poofyhairguy - 2011-04-12

Here is a good one for OSX users: Enable Trim in Snow Leopard:


I can confirm it works.

- Robotica - 2011-04-13

Next tip:
Reduce the number of write cycles to the SSD. Reducing writes to the SSD just involves setting a few options in the fstab file (noatime,nodirtime) these options stop linux from updating the last read time for each file when reading.

Will keep your SSD longer alive without loosing valuable info.

- Subliminal Aura - 2011-04-13

Better tip:

Enable TRIM first under ubuntu/linux kernels >= 2.6.33 Wink

/etc/fstab - option (discard)

- Robotica - 2011-04-13

Set XBMC cache in /tmp (which is in RAM)

- Subliminal Aura - 2011-04-13

Robotica Wrote:Set XBMC cache in /tmp (which is in RAM)

Nope - read this http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=7004295&postcount=6

Looks like this is fast becoming the how to optimize XBMC thread !

- Stompp - 2011-04-13

andyparksy Wrote:Keep in mind order might be important as well - the AHCI adjustment should really be done before you install your OS.....Wink

Yup, figured out that one too late Rolleyes Anyone know how big the impact on perfomance is changing to AHCI? Is it worth a reinstall?

nvm.. Didn't read the follow up posts Blush

- Subliminal Aura - 2011-04-13

Stompp Wrote:Anyone know how big the impact on perfomance is changing to AHCI?

Depending on your chipset you should see a nice boost in performance.

Stompp Wrote:Is it worth a reinstall?

If performance is your key objective and your chipset can handle it, then yes.
If reinstallation / configuration takes weeks if not months then avoid.

- Stompp - 2011-04-13

Subliminal Aura Wrote:Depending on your chipset you should see a nice boost in performance.

If performance is your key objective and your chipset can handle it, then yes.
If reinstallation / configuration takes weeks if not months then avoid.
I've got an Asus P8H67-B3 EVO mobo, the install is only two days old and I'm not even halfway indexing my media so I suppose it might be worth looking into Nod

- Choque - 2011-04-13

Stompp Wrote:I've got an Asus P8H67-B3 EVO mobo, the install is only two days old and I'm not even halfway indexing my media so I suppose it might be worth looking into Nod
I'd index my files with "Media Companion". As it safes all the stuff (folder.jpg, fanart.jpg, nfo, infos about the actors etc.) in the folder of the movie. That way your info is where your movie is and if you have to reinstall XBMC you don't have to go through the time-taking task of indexing everything again. Just add your movies folder to your XBMC Library again and you're good!

- numb7rs - 2011-04-13

Robotica Wrote:Next tip:
Reduce the number of write cycles to the SSD. Reducing writes to the SSD just involves setting a few options in the fstab file (noatime,nodirtime) these options stop linux from updating the last read time for each file when reading.

I found a 'Geek Sheet' for tweaking Linux to run better on an SSD. I have applied all of these changes, apart from moving /tmp to RAM, as I only have 3GB. I would like to move the XBMC files to a ramdisk when Subliminal Aura finally writes his guide Rolleyes

- Laserray - 2011-04-14

Choque Wrote:I'd index my files with "Media Companion". As it safes all the stuff (folder.jpg, fanart.jpg, nfo, infos about the actors etc.) in the folder of the movie. That way your info is where your movie is and if you have to reinstall XBMC you don't have to go through the time-taking task of indexing everything again. Just add your movies folder to your XBMC Library again and you're good!

I discovered long ago, (reading the forums here) XBMC does this very well already.
Just edited all your movie data in XBMC, and then save the library in seperate files. None of the "media mangers" seem to keep up, with the .nfo file changes.
But I digress.

So the Vertex II needs a firmware upgrade and it will do TRIM?
No chance of wrecking my installation?

Also question on Page File, MS says NOT to disable, and I have read pro and con?? I normally fix the page file size.

- Stompp - 2011-04-14

Laserray Wrote:I discovered long ago, (reading the forums here) XBMC does this very well already.
Just edited all your movie data in XBMC, and then save the library in seperate files. None of the "media mangers" seem to keep up, with the .nfo file changes.
But I digress.

So the Vertex II needs a firmware upgrade and it will do TRIM?
No chance of wrecking my installation?

Also question on Page File, MS says NOT to disable, and I have read pro and con?? I normally fix the page file size.

I've tried a few of the media managers but haven't yet found one that feels 100%. Either they're slow or lack functionality or just plain buggy (but hey, that's just me). I did an export from XMBC yesterday and that worked well for me.

Not sure about the Vertex II. I have one too and ran the command (fsutil behavior query deletedisablenotify) for checking TRIM and yes, it's turned on. Now, I'm not sure if there's different fw versions with different support out there. Tho from what I read (don't remember where atm) it's not a 100% guarantee that TRIM is on even if tha command returns 0 Huh