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[DOWNLOAD/CHANGELOG] Aeon (via github) - Printable Version

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- dedaluz - 2009-04-05

Nazgulled: If you want to try, nothing will prevent you from uninstalling msysGit whenever you want. But I think downloading a fresh zip is perfectly fine, also.

- quebert - 2009-04-05

nekrosoft13 Wrote:what if you don't want to use those browsers.Rolleyes firefox is ok browser, but safari is far from decent.

seems like a bad place to host files

Have you even tried the Safari 4 beta? On my PC it's the fastest browser period. It also has by far the best history, FF & IE have links, Safari has a thumbnail. I can find anything I'm looking for in my history in Safari 10 times faster than in any other browser. I use to only use FF, but Safari has since replaced it. Version 3 might have sucked - I don't know, because I never used it. But I use 4 all day and it's AWESOME.

- Nazgulled - 2009-04-05

dedaluz Wrote:Nazgulled: If you want to try, nothing will prevent you from uninstalling msysGit whenever you want. But I think downloading a fresh zip is perfectly fine, also.
That would defeat my purpose of not wanting to install additional software that I won't use or will use that much. The problem is not space or whatever, it's about "one more software installed" that I won't be using that much. I'm very pick in what I install on my system, uninstalling things never clears all the traces, that's why I don't like to install stuff I'm not going to use that much.

I'm not going to install for that reason and the fact that git doesn't seem to be well "supported" in windows either way... Not like SVN or CVS at least. I'd rather way for it to be more mature and with proper, stable and mature tools made specialy for Windows.

But hey, don't see this as an argumento and turn this info a discussion if git is mature or not, I don't really care about it. I'm just stating my point of view and why I won't use it. I'm fine with the zip file. I'm not going to update everytime djh_ launches an update either way.

- dedaluz - 2009-04-05

Nazgulled: Let me tell you about the maturity and virtues of git. Just for you to know.

From wikipedia:
"Git is a free distributed revision control, or software source code management project with an emphasis on being fast. Git was initially created by Linus Torvalds for Linux kernel development."
(Linux kernel has surpassed 10 Million lines of code.)

"Every Git working directory is a full-fledged repository with complete history and full revision tracking capabilities, not dependent on network access or a central server.
Several high-profile software projects now use Git for revision control, most notably the Linux kernel, Perl, GNOME, Samba, X.org Server, Qt, One Laptop per Child (OLPC) core development, VLC, Wine, SWI Prolog, GStreamer and the Android mobile platform."
(Add FFmpeg, Ruby on Rails -which moved to git from svn-, Prototype and Scriptaculous, YUI, Merb..., which are on github, by the way)

On windows, msysGit is perfectly usable in production.

SVN, Mercurial, Bazaar, all are (good) options, but git rocks: solid, efficient, ultrafast, distributed, github, etc. Here, some comparisons: http://whygitisbetterthanx.com

I even use git for checking out, tracking and branching SVN repos, using git-svn.

So I don't want to start a flame war, nor any kind of discussion, about this or about Opera USB vs. Firefox 3 Nerd. You don't want to use git, fine. But it's great to have Aeon versioned (with git, or whatever) at our disposal.

Sorry guys, for the long post and thx Nazgulled for the conversation and the insights.

- Jiggles - 2009-04-05

All nice and stuff that Github, but the site doesn't even work on IE7... It took me WAAAY to long to get it working just to download Aeon, why don't you make it all a bit user friendly and just publish an installer? You can script all that you know, create installers on your nightly builds. It annoyed me a lot yesterday..

- Nazgulled - 2009-04-05

dedaluz Wrote:On windows, msysGit is perfectly usable in production.
To me, is not as good as SVN and bear in mind that I'm only talking about Windows. But I don't really care if it's better or worse, I'm not going to use it until I have a mature developed client as I have for SVN (TortoiseSVN). There's no need to continue this discussion any further, you're not going to change my mind.

dedaluz Wrote:So I don't want to start a flame war, nor any kind of discussion, about this or about Opera USB vs. Firefox 3 Nerd. You don't want to use git, fine. But it's great to have Aeon versioned (with git, or whatever) at our disposal.
I never said otherwise Smile

- djh_ - 2009-04-05

I'll be giving SVN a try to see how it compares for myself. I personally don't have any problems with git but if it's more trouble for more people then there's little point in sticking with it.

- Farakh - 2009-04-05

Someone was having problem with the sound and res flags above? Can he tell me how he fixed it as I am having the same problem with Aeon 0.91, Thanks and sorry if I missed his post.

- dedaluz - 2009-04-05

Nazgulled Wrote:To me, is not as good as SVN
Man, frankly, before speaking about maturity, advantages or which one is better, try them both and do a bit of research. I did, and my conclusion is that git is far better in quite a few relevant aspects. Then make your statements.

Nazgulled Wrote:I'm not going to use it until I have a mature developed client as I have for SVN (TortoiseSVN)
For people with CMDA (Command-Line Allergy), you have http://code.google.com/p/tortoisegit/ . But again, you don't want to install msysGit for the command-line (minimal installation) but you don't have any problem with Tortoise, very logical.

Nazgulled Wrote:you're not going to change my mind.
Jiggles Wrote:the site doesn't even work on IE7
...why don't you make it all a bit user friendly and just publish an installer?
Why don't you buy them a pony, too? Look, at the end, it's a matter of resilience to change. That's why IE6 and IE7 are so widely used. That's why Cobol continues with an inmense codebase. That's why people teach programming using Pascal, Modula-2 or Java. That's why a lot of people still use CVS for versioning(a pain in the ass). That's why... Ok, maybe it worked in the past, but we could do better. Why are you using Aeon, after all? or XBMC? They require an effort, too. But it's worth it. That's why.

djh_ Wrote:I personally don't have any problems with git but if it's more trouble for more people then there's little point in sticking with it.

"If I'd asked my customers what they wanted, they'd have said a faster horse." Henry Ford

The sad fact is that users may not always know what's best for them.

Github has proved to be incredibly useful for other big projects. You already have 17 followers, and a fork in no time. Even Plex uses github. It's cutting edge, it's easy, social, and it rocks. Requirements are minimal: standards-compliant browser or install git (easy peasy). Even if there's someone out there who doesn't fulfill (one of) those requirements, there are always mirrors of some concrete version of Aeon (RS, MU, torrent).

And yes, you could have two repos automatically synchronized (SVN and GIT). But you know, then someone will come asking for a Mercurial repo mirror as well.

End of topic for me. Good afternoon.

- Nazgulled - 2009-04-05

dedaluz Wrote:Man, frankly, before speaking about maturity, advantages or which one is better, try them both and do a bit of research. I did, and my conclusion is that git is far better in quite a few relevant aspects. Then make your statements.
What part of "I don't care about it" didn't you understand? I honestly don't understand why are you so offended and being defensive. Chill dude... I couldn't care less git is far better. To me it's not, I have my needs I have my reasons, end of discussion.

Geez, your turning this into a very stupid discussion. I never criticized git or the fact that it's not good for Aeon or whatever. I just don't like it enough for me to install things on my system. Period.

dedaluz Wrote:For people with CMDA (Command-Line Allergy), you have http://code.google.com/p/tortoisegit/ . But again, you don't want to install msysGit for the command-line (minimal installation) but you don't have any problem with Tortoise, very logical.
Seriously, you must have a problem, or probably work for git/github, that's the only explanation... First of all, I never said I disliked command line apps. In fact, if you've read my posts carefully, you would see I asked if there a was a simple command line app I could download to use git but without having to install it. Second of all, I never said I had problems or didn't had problems with software X or Y, the software names came only from you. Who said I didn't have a problem with Tortoise? I don't if we are talking about TortoiseSVN, I do if it's TortoiseGit. Please try to read before you post. And third of all, I never said git it self, as a revision control software was not mature. The Windows clients to work with git, are not mature enough for me or need to be installed and I don't want to install them for the use I'm going to give them or I simply dislike them.

And just to make things clear, I don't care if Aeon uses CVS, SVN, Git or any other, I really don't. My preference goes to SVN, but use whatever it fits better for you djh, or for it's users, I'm fine with any revision control software you choose. I'm even fine without one (although I strongly believe you benefit from one, I'm just making a point).

This is my final answer on this matter, regards.

- dedaluz - 2009-04-05

Nazgulled, I'm sick of this. What part of "if you haven't tried it yet, you can't say you like it or not, that it's better from x or not, that it's mature enough or not, etc." didn't you understand? It's pretty basic.

I don't care about your opinion here at all, although I respect it. But, and this is what bothers me from your posts, please, don't discourage people from using or learning git on windows, specially without even trying it. Don't offer the impression git is unusable or inmature on win. PERIOD.

To Win users: if you want to use git, it works nicely in your platform. No problem at all. Just follow this guide: http://code.google.com/p/msysgit/wiki/InstallMSysGit
Or this one: http://github.com/guides/using-git-and-github-for-the-windows-for-newbies

And no, sadly, I'm not a github or git-related worker. Just a happy user.

- Nazgulled - 2009-04-05

dedaluz Wrote:Nazgulled, I'm sick of this. What part of "if you haven't tried it yet, you can't say you like it or not, that it's better from x or not, that it's mature enough or not, etc." didn't you understand? It's pretty basic.
You are the one that don't understand... I DON'T CARE!!!

dedaluz Wrote:I don't care about your opinion here at all, although I respect it. But, and this is what bothers me from your posts, please, don't discourage people from using or learning git on windows, specially without even trying it. Don't offer the impression git is unusable or inmature on win. PERIOD.
Than you have a problem understanding people. TO ME (did you read that or you want big red letters to understand?) it's not mature, it's not usable (and I'm talking about MSysGit/TortoiseGit, not GIT itself). TO ME, TO ME, TO ME! MY OPINION! Geez...

I don't care if you and the whole world thinks its mature, TO ME, FOR MY USE, IT'S NOT. What's so hard to understand? Can't I have my own opinion now? I'm obligated to share your thoughts? I don't think so!

And I never discouraged anyone, everyone is free to use whatever they want. I just stated my own opinion... This is definitely my last post on the subject. Good day.

- harryzimm - 2009-04-05

Quote:This is definitely my last post on the subject.

Woo Hoo. Finally Big Grin

- Dilligaf - 2009-04-06

Both of you have stated that you are done discussing this, thank you for that. If you must go on could you do it somewhere more on topic??


- roeroe - 2009-04-06

Personally I prefer SVN but now it's on Git I just have to learn another tool Big Grin
so may as well stick with GIT...if people want it bad enough they install git client