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MediaElch - MediaManager for Mac/Linux/Win (with music library scraping) - Printable Version

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RE: MediaElch - MediaManager for Mac/Linux/Win - teemac - 2013-08-11

Hello komet
I noticed at Launchpad the 1.7 ME debs for Precise (Mint13 x64 and Ubuntu 12.04 x64) are no longer available.
Will Precise still be supported as it is the LTS (Long Term Supported version) or will the Raring or Quantal .deb versions still work on Precise Huh
I prefer the debs as they can be copied to a thumbdrive and shifted to various machines.
Thanks for this great program anyway.

RE: MediaElch - MediaManager for Mac/Linux/Win - GHJGHJ - 2013-08-12

Komet, will you ever consider add supporting "Anime" user? Currently for TV shows it will only scan for files in a sub folder, usually, "Season #". Whereas for Anime it usually will go directly under a folder and without any "S" or "E" in Season#Episode#.

In another word, can it made to scan 'TV Shows" without being in "Season" folder;

TV Shows
| | Season 1
| | | | TV Shows S01E01

| | AnimeTitle 1
| | AnimeTitle 2

RE: MediaElch - MediaManager for Mac/Linux/Win - Hopelessone - 2013-08-14

Hi Guys,

Could you please add search functionality for movies named:

Movie [2012].avi

Currently I have to edit each file to remove the year, then scrape.

Looking forward to an amazon.com scraper in the future..


RE: MediaElch - MediaManager for Mac/Linux/Win - deh2k7 - 2013-08-14

hopelessone - why not change the square brackets [] to parenthesis ()? () is the standard for year in your movie title. something like bulk rename utility could do this very quickly for you.

RE: MediaElch - MediaManager for Mac/Linux/Win - raina343 - 2013-08-15

I've been trying for the past few days to get MediaElch to compile myself, and have finally given up, so I'll ask here if the change I'm wanting/needing can be done.

in the renamer .SUB files are supported (and thus renamed along with the video file, NFO and jpg), but not SRT. All of my subtitles are in SRT, so if we could just get that changed I'd be greatly appreciative.

or of course if someone can tell me why the heck mediainfo won't build for me Smile but that's a topic for another forum Smile

RE: MediaElch - MediaManager for Mac/Linux/Win - Galacticus 9000 - 2013-08-18

I've downloaded the zip file for this, but I get a file structure error when I attempt to install it. What can I do?

RE: MediaElch - MediaManager for Mac/Linux/Win - RiggerofRiV - 2013-08-21

Little question. Is there a possibility to srape multiple episodes in a season? I ask because my workflow now is like:

- select episode
- click search
- click series (in most cases only on series is available - scraped before)
- wait
- ok, select next episode

- repeat this 5 points for every single episode

Am I missing anything?

It seems there is no recursive or even iterative search for multiple selections. If I try to select multiple items which is possible a random but mostly the last one will be scraped.

Version 1.7 on Win

EDIT: Found after a third or forth search and/or trial: tried right click series or season with no luck because there is no option. Found it by clicking a series followed by clicking search, There is an "almost invisible dropdown" on the bottom left where you are able to select different update modes for the hole series.

As I found so far, it is described in the online Manual as well. Really hard for an intuitive use.

RE: MediaElch - MediaManager for Mac/Linux/Win - orbtwin - 2013-08-21

could be tweaked MediaElch to run in portable mode?


RE: MediaElch - MediaManager for Mac/Linux/Win - Chuck Bartowski - 2013-08-23

Is anyone else having problems adding season fanart to TV shows for version 1.7 - i can add fanart for the show but at the season level if you click on fanart the TVDB scraper screen shows no images available

RE: MediaElch - MediaManager for Mac/Linux/Win - RiggerofRiV - 2013-08-23

I organised my hole library in the last two days with mediaelch. Works fine so far. But I have a few questions/suggestions:

- any (fan)art with text, except poster, selects the first or a random hit it find. So I have to go into any scraped item to have a look if there is an art that better matches my language. I set any language to my prefered in the settings but for logo, clear art, cd art, banner and thumb it selects any item, even if there is an art in my language. Maybe this can be fixed by an option like a language priority and/or hd/sd selector

the search/filter is really nice but two details may be better implemented or can be fixed
- first: I cant click on any suggested filteroption like seen/unseen. I have to use the arrow keys to select one. If I use the mouse the gui freezes for some time and get into an instable state, so its better to restart the program.
- second: I miss a filteroption for movie sets. Especially if I want to sync/edit a specific set I get into trouble. For example I have all Disney movies in a set, I cant search for anything like the "movie set" to get all that movies. Another example is Loius de Funis. The scraper itselfs (moviedb) puts the movies into multiple sets, so I have to rename any to my prefered on - no problem. Find the movies after this step -> problem ;-)

v1.7, Win 7 (64bit)

@chuck Bartowski: Same problem here: If I click fanart or banner no images found.

RE: MediaElch - MediaManager for Mac/Linux/Win - sergiocos - 2013-08-26

Now posters can be scraped from fanart.tv also. Maybe in the next version ME will have that option too Wink

RE: MediaElch - MediaManager for Mac/Linux/Win - dhead - 2013-08-27

Two annoyances with MediaElch (1.7):

* Settings window doesn't fit to 1366x768 (on Gnome 3.8), mainly I don't see the Save/Cancel buttons on the bottom.
* When using another tool to scrape and create nfo it looks like MediaElch doesn't reload local images and nfo.


RE: MediaElch - MediaManager for Mac/Linux/Win - deh2k7 - 2013-08-28

anyone else experience crashes on win64 when trying to view/save another image while the last image you selected is still saving? i can reliably reproduce this hard crash when working with any of the extra artwork types - disc, logo, landscape, and clearart. Click on a type to view images, select and image, and while it's downloading, try to select another image. it will usually crash when the saving image completes.

RE: MediaElch - MediaManager for Mac/Linux/Win - deh2k7 - 2013-08-28

I'm liking the recent updates to ME, been about 6 months since I last used.

Here are a couple of recommendations/suggestions:
Give the user an option to break out the extra fanart types media status column into multiple columns, one for each type, i.e. logo, clearart, disc, landscape and banner, instead of just a single column as it is right now.
Give the user an option to let ME attempt to scrape all extra fanarts at once on a given movie vs. having to scrape each one individually.
When using the custom scraper, there is no option for an Outline field, only Plot.
When using the custom scraper, and you select IMDB for the Plot, the scraper still seems to populate with the info from TMDB.
When manually scraping Poster, scaper still defaults to Media Passion, even if you have TMDB selected as your preference. This causes a popup and then you need to change the source to get your poster from TMDB. It should default to your selected source.

RE: MediaElch - MediaManager for Mac/Linux/Win - Linusorg - 2013-09-01

Hi Komet,
Just want to say special thanks for the implementation of TV-Show specials. Works like charme, no complains, no further wishes here :-)
in case someone miss it:
all specials have to be stored in a season 00 directory.
open the tvdb webside, search for the show, go to the special section.
rename your DVD/files accordendtly (best fit)
Scrape / refresh in xbmc and you are done.

Question from my side:
does multiscrapping has been improved as well?
i like to run a refresh on several hundered movies, but i saw that especially for movies where the search result is not unique ME will take the first entry of the result list and that might result into wrong poster/extraart, etc. for this movie.
if this is the case i would like to vote for the following refresh option:
1) always store, regardless of scrapper the imdb id in the nfo, maybe also other ids as well
2) multibe scrapping only on this imdb id, no extra searching
3) pls add a filter for IMDB id, so we can update the nfos manually where the id is missing, for whatever reason.
Any comments are pretty much welcome

Thanks for considering