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[RELEASE] PseudoTV Addon: Virtual EPG and TV Channel Surfing Script - Printable Version

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- Sranshaft - 2011-01-20

Pressing stop or you're equivalent button exits out of the addon.

@Jason: I apologize on my side for getting a little off topic. Downloading mow and will liet you know how things go. I assume this update fixes the bug where clicking a show on the EPG played the previous show?

- goldfinger7476 - 2011-01-20

Sranshaft Wrote:Pressing stop or you're equivalent button exits out of the addon.

It's not exiting when I press my normal stop button...Is there a way to use the keymap xml to edit the keys within plugins like you can depending on which screen you are in

- Sranshaft - 2011-01-20

goldfinger7476 Wrote:It's not exiting when I press my normal stop button...Is there a way to use the keymap xml to edit the keys within plugins like you can depending on which screen you are in

That's very strange. Works fine for me on Windows.

- goldfinger7476 - 2011-01-20

Sranshaft Wrote:That's very strange. Works fine for me on Windows.

Fixed by changing the action setting in the script, i think it is just an apple remote thing and the lack of buttons

- isamu.dragon - 2011-01-20

Love how it works, as well as the concept.

Once You Get Movie Sets, and TV Shows Working I will fall in love with it.

- Jason102 - 2011-01-20

@Sranshaft: Yes, that issue is fixed. It also fixes the problem of the wrong show being displayed in the EPG. These where both caused by the same problem: XBMC doesn't like long lines in the playlist that I create, so I just limited the length of the show description. There may be cases where the show description is slightly cutoff, but I figured this was a good, perhaps temporary, compromise. It's also the reason recreating the channels is necessary.

@isamu.dragon: Glad you like it! I have one more big bug to work out, and then movie sets and TV shows are the next thing I need to tackle. After that, I plan on getting it a bit more robust for the skinners.

Mediation - Beachfront - 2011-01-20

Can I just mediate here for a second on the Watched/Not Watched playlist debate.

If I am not mistaken there is the ability to generate a rule in Smart Playlists to not repeat a watched episode if it has been watched in a certain time period. that way the playlist would not entirely remove a watched episode, but remove it for a set time period. So say you have a "cartoon" channel. You can leave it on for a while and not repeat an episode .. maybe start it again and not repeat an episode, but 2-3 weeks from now, it may bring back an episode you have seen before ... just like real TV.

Someone please correct me if I am wrong. I do understand that in Sranshaft's case this is not what he wants, but for the many readers out there, there is a middle ground.

- Jason102 - 2011-01-20

@Beachfront: You are certainly correct. However, this script does not re-analyze the smart playlists every time it opens...it does it much less often in order to speed up starting. The result is that if you watch something so that it would not normally show up in your given smart playlist, it may still show up in your "channel". This "issue" is at least partially mitigated by the idea of resuming where you left off, hence "skipping" things that you've watched.

Issue with script - rtwight - 2011-01-20

Hi there,

This seems like a pretty cool script, but i seem to be having an issues that no one else has mentioned in the thread.

I've created 2 smartlists (one for comedy movies limited to 10 and one for animated shows limited to 10) and named the saved file correctly (channel_1 and channel_2)

Both smartlists work on their own and pick 10 random items, but when i use the script i only get the first item from each play list over and over again

I've attached my xbmc.log file : http://pastebin.com/D85DCqaN

Let me know if its something i'm doing wrong or if you need any additional information.

Thanks for creating this cool script, a buddy of mine will LOVE this as he was looking for this exact thing.

- Jason102 - 2011-01-20

The issue is that XBMC doesn't know the duration of those files. Unfortunately, I don't know how to determine them via a script. I suggest going to Movies from the main menu and waiting until the total duration stops increasing. If you've done this and still have problems, I'll look into it more.

- rtwight - 2011-01-20

Thanks for the quick reply.

I went into movies and my total duration is already at 89:00:37 and doesnt change, so looks like XBMC does know the duration already.

Could it be an issue with my database? I did a quick scan through some movies and they all show runtimes, but some showed the time at 81 min mins so I'm thinking my nfo files may have the run time not just as 81 but as 81 min and that is what is confusing it.

I'm going to create a playlist with a couple of movies with what looks to be correct times and report back..

- Jason102 - 2011-01-20

Hmm, it could be something to do with nfo files. I do an sql query to determine the duration of the file, but perhaps the database doesn't store it if it's in an nfo. I need to experiment a bit. I'm not sure how I'll get around it if that's the case, though...

- rtwight - 2011-01-20

Could be that if the nfo file has it as 81 min instead of 81 mins, when you scrape the movie it thinks the time is 81 min instead of just 81.

Going to play around with it and see if that resolves it. MIght mean i have to rebuild my library Sad but could be that the scraper has change and my nfo files were older and never updated. I really never paid attention to the duration Smile

- Jason102 - 2011-01-20

I doubt that it's an issue of how the data is formatted. If I don't understand what I'm given by XBMC (which presumably takes it from your nfo) then I search the database directly. In this case, though, the information isn't in the database. I can create a test build and check this out tomorrow (busy today). If I am being passed "81 min" then I might just take out the number and assume the rest is garbage.

- rtwight - 2011-01-21

Thanks. It looks like TV episodes don't store their duration in the database or nfo files so not sure why they are failing.

I'm curious what people have that this is working for have for their durations for movies.