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list of all Smart Playlist fields? - Printable Version

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list of all Smart Playlist fields? - K3NS31 - 2011-04-28

I'm trying to find a full list of fields / attributes for Smart Playlists.
I checked the Wiki, but it only includes the music related fields.

Of course, in the Smart playlist gui from within XBMC, there are more fields, but I'd like to know if there's a complete list somewhere.

Also, I'd like to be able to check whether the field in the gui corresponds correctly to the actual database key or whatever (Smart playlists are simply querying the DB, right?)
So I'm guessing a full list of usable fields would tell me this. Or do I need to actually look at the DB? And if so, how would I do that?

An example of where I'd use this: Trying to setup a playlist in 10.1 to filter only HD movies. As explained on this forum, simply make a smart playlist with "resolution" greaterthan 719. Except it doesn't work. But maybe 'resolution' is called something else now. Or maybe it expects the horizontal res as well? Where would I check this?

Thanks and sorry for making you guys read yet another Smart Playlist thread.

- >>X<< - 2011-04-28

You must be doing something wrong especially if your trying to create a smart playlist outside the GUI, a smart playlist created in the GUI using the rule "Video Resolution" "Greater Than" 719 works in 10.1

It would be strange if all rules available weren't listed in the GUI so why do you need a list ?

Smart playlists only work on content scanned into your library

There's no reason what so ever to create a smart playlist outside of the XBMC GUI and I expect anyone who said use that rule for HD Movies meant doing it from the GUI


- K3NS31 - 2011-04-28

I was doing it from the GUI.
I just figured maybe the field name changed or there could've been a typo in the gui or something.
My other 4 smart playlists all work perfectly, no reason this one shouldn't.
Especially since it's very straight forward and matches multiple posts / how to's.
I'm just trying to troubleshoot.
Any other suggestions on how I might figure out what's actually happening when I select this playlist?
Because at the moment it does nothing. Just doesn't open. No errors or anything.

Incidentally, if I'm understanding correctly how these playlists work, and they are some form of database query, then its quite possible that all available rules wouldn't necessarily be in the gui, as there could be hundreds. I don't know enough about it yet, but that was my thinking. Hence the question.

- >>X<< - 2011-04-28

Assuming you have done it correctly the only reason I can think of for it not working is XBMC hasn't picked up the resolution of your movies do you get HD flags for your movies ?

- K3NS31 - 2011-04-28

I was thinking along those lines too, but I've just figured it out.
I set it to order by resolution, which it didn't like for some reason, so it just showed nothing.
As soon as I switched to no ordering, it worked.

I'm still wondering if the handful of fields that come up in the gui are really it for Smart Playlist options.
Thanks for the help tho.

- >>X<< - 2011-04-28

There are loads of rules and rules can be combined as well, you can only have rules based on information in the db I would be very surprised if there wasn't a rule that covered every part of the details contained in database

If you want to know what's actually in the db you can use "SQLite Browser" or you could just export your library to a single file and the open the "videodb.xml" with notepad++ or some other text editor the later is the easiest option

Anyway glad you sorted it Smile

- K3NS31 - 2011-04-28

Export library to a single file? Is that an option in the GUI?

- >>X<< - 2011-04-28

Yes its in settings under video use the single file option otherwise it will send all the artwork and a nfo to be stored with your actual media files

- jmarshall - 2011-04-29

If you've found an order by clause that doesn't work, then it's almost certainly given you an error which has the full query in the debug log. Check it. If it is giving you an error then post a ticket on trac with full details of how to reproduce + the debug log + the smartplaylist XML attached.

You can cc firnsy and myself.
