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XBMC Crashing After Being Paused - Printable Version

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XBMC Crashing After Being Paused - Bladeuk2001 - 2011-12-05

Hi Gents,

I've got a problem with XBMC, whereby if video playback is paused for anything more than a few minutes, I get a crash...

Sometimes, when I resume playback, I'll get a couple more seconds of video, then playback will just stop and send me back to browsing, but 99% of the time, when I return, XBMC will be "Not Responding" in task manager.

I've tried a reinstall, but it didn't help... Any ideas at all?

I'm pasting my last XBMC log below, and as you can see at the bottom, the error I'm getting is "WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(video)::Get - asked for new data packet, with nothing available" Eek

[log deleted]

Many thanks for the help,

- jhsrennie - 2011-12-05

@Rich: I've removed the log to stop you being shouted at. Please don't post logs in the forum. Copy and paste them into pastebin.com and post the link here. In any case you didn't have debug logging enabled, so the log would have been of limited use.

Enable debug logging from System settings, System, Debugging, and restart XBMC then wait a minute or two for all the startup tasks to finish. play some suitable test video, pause it and wait, or whatever it takes to reproduce the problem. Close or kill XBMC.

Open the debug log by pressing Windows-R and in the Run dialog type:


(including the quotes). Click OK and the log should open in Notepad. Copy and paste the log into http://pastebin.com/ and post the link it gives you here.