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Popup Window with video stream - Printable Version

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Popup Window with video stream - wphj1 - 2012-01-05

Hi there!

The guys from the windows forum "sent" me over with my problem
( http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=118714 )

I have a doorcamera, which delievers a rtsp stream.
I have managed to play it on xbmc via a *.strm file.

Push a button on my ps3 remote -> popup with camera stream appears
Push the button again -> popup goes away

Can someone help a noob with the right lines of code (and an idiotproof howto where to put it).

thanx in advance!

- mad-max - 2012-01-05

Create an addon with a default.py an insert the following code:

import xbmc
url = 'Hier kommt der Link zu deinem Stream'

Then you can map a button to your remote that launches the addon...
Pressing Stop will stop the stream...


- wphj1 - 2012-01-05

Ok, i´ve created a new folder in my addon collection


Then i made a new default file with the editor


Since i want the letter "N" (which i assigned to the "Playstation" Button) to start the stream i have edited the keymap in the main install directory


But NOTHING happens.

Do i have to activate the new addon somewhere?
(its not listed in the "addon" section of the system settings)

- mad-max - 2012-01-05

Because you did not create an Addon...
You simply copied the py file in there...
There is no Addon.xml...

- wphj1 - 2012-01-06

Now i created an addon.xml in the folder (adapted from another addon)


Still nothing happens No

- mad-max - 2012-01-06


- wphj1 - 2012-01-06


- mad-max - 2012-01-06

What about <p>RunScript(PathToDefault.py)</p>



- wphj1 - 2012-01-06


If i push the playstation button theres an error message in the right bottom corner.
Then i realised i wrote "C:\\Users" instead of "c:\\benutzer", but when i change it, nothing happens.

I tried to change it to "RunAddon" with the path to the addon.xml -> nothing happens (not even the error message)