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Why not WMC as backend? - Printable Version

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Re: Why not WMC as backend? - bry - 2013-02-02

Everything of course :-D

RE: Why not WMC as backend? - krustyreturns - 2013-02-02

(2013-02-02, 01:03)bry- Wrote: Everything of course :-D

Let's see... My design goals are:

1) Make it work along side WMC. My family and friends, being much less nerdy than me, are not interested in switching to xbmc, so I needed a migration path that will let them use either one until they get used to xbmc. Plus wmc's recording service works very well, I have no interest in trying another service until I have to.

2) I have one server computer and three client systems all running wmc. the clients are stripped down machines that just spool data off the server. So I want to have a true server/client relationship for recording (and live) tv - something that wmc doesn't do well.

I wrote some software over a year ago that where I learned how MS's undocumented recording service works. So I figured I had a good starting point for this project.

I have the following working (at a proto level):
1. wmc's epg data is imported
2. channel lineups are imported
3. the recording schedules are imported
4. new recordings can be scheduled with xbmc, (and it reflects recording schedules set with wmc, since they can work side by side)
5. time shifted live-tv works, but needs a lot more testing. This was my by far my biggest challenge (but it was kind of fun to learn too so I am not complaining.. much).

1) enable the watching of episodes that are actively recording (after live tv this should be easy. I hope)
2) lots and lots of clean up
3) finding out what I have forgotten and doing that too

Also it only runs on windows. Obviously the server software can only run on windows, but conceivably the client xbmc add-on doesn't need to be windows. But I have not tried to make the add-on platform independent (mostly because I don't know how). Maybe someday I will do this, if this project ever gets released and there is interest.

If there are more questions I'd be happy to answer.

Re: Why not WMC as backend? - bry - 2013-02-02

I am interested. Are you able to watch premium content within xbmc?

RE: Why not WMC as backend? - krustyreturns - 2013-02-02

(2013-02-02, 20:28)bry- Wrote: I am interested. Are you able to watch premium content within xbmc?

Do you mean live tv? Or premium recorded wtv files?

Re: RE: Why not WMC as backend? - bry - 2013-02-02

(2013-02-02, 21:08)krustyreturns Wrote:
(2013-02-02, 20:28)bry- Wrote: I am interested. Are you able to watch premium content within xbmc?

Do you mean live tv? Or premium recorded wtv files?


RE: Why not WMC as backend? - krustyreturns - 2013-02-02

I don't know, I don't have a premium source to test it.

Can you watch these premium recorded wtv files with xbmc? If you can't then you won't be able to with this setup either.

RE: Why not WMC as backend? - FIBO - 2013-02-03

what is meant by premium source? Is that a tuner card? wtv-files can be watched with WMC and WMP and in MPC (tried it just now)

I have a HTPC with a dual analog and dual digital tuner from Hauppauge. I only watch TV via the analog tuners. I use WMC for 5 years now and I'm quite satisfied with it except that the EPG doesn't load automatically any more.
For watching movies and TV-series I recently turned to XBMC. I like the idea that I can watch TV via XBMC as well but I don't know how.

A few years ago I tried installing MP, but I couldn't get that to work. Now I dare to try leaving WMC again, but.... I'm not that skilled in programming and so (maybe that's why I couldn't get MP to work).

In short on this page http://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=PVR/Backend, at 1.3 is suggested to make a choise for a back end source. Nowhere is explained on what basis I could make the right choise.

Going with the WMC as backend might me much easier I think?

so main question is will your/this setup work for me as well?

RE: Why not WMC as backend? - krustyreturns - 2013-02-03

(2013-02-03, 20:44)FIBO Wrote: what is meant by premium source? Is that a tuner card? wtv-files can be watched with WMC and WMP and in MPC (tried it just now)

I have a HTPC with a dual analog and dual digital tuner from Hauppauge. I only watch TV via the analog tuners. I use WMC for 5 years now and I'm quite satisfied with it except that the EPG doesn't load automatically any more.
For watching movies and TV-series I recently turned to XBMC. I like the idea that I can watch TV via XBMC as well but I don't know how.

A few years ago I tried installing MP, but I couldn't get that to work. Now I dare to try leaving WMC again, but.... I'm not that skilled in programming and so (maybe that's why I couldn't get MP to work).

In short on this page http://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=PVR/Backend, at 1.3 is suggested to make a choise for a back end source. Nowhere is explained on what basis I could make the right choise.

Going with the WMC as backend might me much easier I think?

so main question is will your/this setup work for me as well?

I'm pretty sure he means content from cable channels that require cablecard. A lot of this content (like HBO, Showtime) requires that your "player" be licensed to watch it, so only wmc will work - I don't believe xbmc ever will.

Your tuner setup is similar to mine, so it should work. As for ease of setup, my software uses wmc's config/data so its very easy to setup as long as wmc is working. However, since you say that your epg data download doesn't happen automatically anymore, you will have a problem with my software, since my software uses the data downloaded by the windows epg service.

RE: Why not WMC as backend? - spyder - 2013-02-03

@krustyreturns - I just checked in on this thread because it was listed as recently updated, and I thought this idea was dead. I then saw this post, and saw there was still life in this. I currently have a headless WMC7 pc which I use Ceton Companion to schedule recordings with no xbmc pvr integration. I have tried linux/window setups and got tired of the configuration hassles and eventually settled with only accessing the recorded files in xbmc. I think a wmc pvr addon would be very popular, wmc is by far the easiest to set up.

RE: Why not WMC as backend? - krustyreturns - 2013-02-03

Thanks spyder. I know that I want this software, but I've been wondering about the interest level of others. So any feedback is very welcome.

RE: Why not WMC as backend? - Hijo del sol - 2013-02-04

I'm using XBMC in conjunction with the Advanced Launcher Addon which allows me to place a shortcut to WMC Livetv in XBMC. It works very well but it's a hassle to get just right.

Suffice it to say, I'm very interested in using WMC's EPG/Live tv/ etc. data as the back end to Frodo's PVR and I'm quite sure that there are a ton of people in the WMC community looking for something like this to jump ship from WMC as a frontend.

I won't argue that WMC as a software product is dead in the sense that there is no continual improvements or upgrades; however, The fact that Microsoft is selling it and making money leads me to believe that it will still be supported and around for more than a few years to come making it a valid backend to build upon.

I, and many other would be very appreciative if you could pull this off. If you build it, they will come. Smile

RE: Why not WMC as backend? - FIBO - 2013-02-04

Well as I said, I'm interested. Especially if the troubles mentioned in this topic will be addressed. Like the slow channel change. Witch seems to be the main problem for most set-ups.

I'm just wondering @krustyreturns: why would you only put time in it when others are interested? I would love to have the knowledge to build a good working set-up. But I wouldn't even know were to start.

You and Spyder say that with WMC as a backend is the easiest to set up so how? If the not working EPG is the problem I could try harder to fix that.

But I need more info on why the EPG is so important.
Let me first explain that I didn't put a lot of effort in fixing it because I don't use it. Here in The Netherlands, like about everywhere around the world, movies and series are stuffed with advertisement brakes. I don't like that so I don't watch television except for the news and some sport shows. I almost never record things by scheduling so no need for the EPG. If needed I download the EPG manually. Another reason is that the EPG will only get data for the current day. I think that has to do with how they are provided, it's a legal discussion. I think it might also have to with the use of analogue cable. Digital cable might get better EPG info but I refuse to pay extra for a set top box while having a good HTPC.

I do use a lot is time shift and speeded play (in WMC you can still watch and listen in twice the speed, it saves time) I would like those to work in a new set-up. (if possible)

So my question is won't your set-up work for me at all just because I don't have an EPG or will just the scheduling be a problem?

And what do you mean with "....wmc's config/data so its very easy to setup as long as wmc is working.." ?
Working as in the programme must run parallel to XBMC or workings as in not disabled? Because when I must open WMC first and then XBMC to watch will be a bit double. (I think that's how Hijo del sol's set up works)

RE: Why not WMC as backend? - krustyreturns - 2013-02-04

Hi Fibo,

Like I posted earlier, I am writing this code because I want to use it (and because I enjoy programming), but if others are interested it motivates me to put more time into it. This project has already taken a big hit time-wise due to Halo 4 and Borderlands 2. Hitman:Absolution looks interesting so I need all the motivation I can get.

Channel change is slow, much slower than wmc. This is due to the way xmbc handles live-tv streams: you have to build up a significant amount of stored data before the video starts. There is always the chance I am doing something wrong though, but staring at the xbmc code this seems to be the way it works. That is the downside, the upside is that in a server/client setup the clients will be able to stream live-tv from the server, something that wmc doesn't do. Its funny that I have spent by far more time on live-tv than any other part of this project, because my family never watches live-tv. I wasn't even going to bother with it when I started this.

Epg is important because wmc automatically downloads around two weeks of programming data for free over the internet. So you can schedule to record shows in advance, record series episodes, etc. I'm confused about what the epg source is that you are using.

Because my software only get its epg data from wmc, you will have a problem if you are not using wmc's epg. It sounds like your setup is working for you though, so maybe its not worth the bother to switch.
(2013-02-04, 04:21)Hijo del sol Wrote: I'm using XBMC in conjunction with the Advanced Launcher Addon which allows me to place a shortcut to WMC Livetv in XBMC. It works very well but it's a hassle to get just right.

Suffice it to say, I'm very interested in using WMC's EPG/Live tv/ etc. data as the back end to Frodo's PVR and I'm quite sure that there are a ton of people in the WMC community looking for something like this to jump ship from WMC as a frontend.

I won't argue that WMC as a software product is dead in the sense that there is no continual improvements or upgrades; however, The fact that Microsoft is selling it and making money leads me to believe that it will still be supported and around for more than a few years to come making it a valid backend to build upon.

I, and many other would be very appreciative if you could pull this off. If you build it, they will come. Smile

Thanks Hijo, I'll keep building then.

RE: Why not WMC as backend? - FIBO - 2013-02-04

on the channelchange time delay I just read this, here:

(2013-02-01, 23:33)margro Wrote: Known issue. Can't be fixed easily.

The reason for the additonal delay of 5 sec is the added "stream change detection" on a channel switch. Channel switching could fail under Eden if the new channel had different streams (e.g. SD->HD or 2.0 audio to 5.1 audio), therefore the pvr developers added some code to restart the demuxing process on every channel switch. As a result, the channel switching is slower than under Eden.

I know where the delay comes from (ffmpeg library), but I can't solve it at the addon side. I'm currently testing several changes to both XBMC and the MediaPortal pvr addon to speed-up the channel switching again, but it is not stable enough yet to publish a modified Frodo build with these changes.

With respect to the shares: You will need to upgrade your TVServerXBMC plugin to (or for 1.3.0 beta). I've moved the share settings to the TVServerXBMC addon side. The MediaPortal PVR addon will now import the defined shares from the TVServerXBMC plugin.

Quote:Epg is important because wmc automatically downloads around two weeks of programming data for free over the internet. So you can schedule to record shows in advance, record series episodes, etc. I'm confused about what the epg source is that you are using.
Well, I never had 2 weeks EPG ever. For some channels it might be 2 or 2,5 days but never longer. As I said I think its a Dutch issue that might also be influenced by me not having digital TV.

But do I understand correctly that in your set-up the EPG is only needed for recordings not for watching live TV or time shift?

What is the problem
Quote: you will have a problem if you are not using wmc's epg.
you refer to?


RE: Why not WMC as backend? - krustyreturns - 2013-02-04

(2013-02-04, 18:11)FIBO Wrote: But do I understand correctly that in your set-up the EPG is only needed for recordings not for watching live TV or time shift?

Thanks for tv info. You are right, epg is not needs to watch livetv or for time shift.