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Custom Keymaps Confusion - Printable Version

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Custom Keymaps Confusion - diverseft - 2013-08-24

Hi all

Cant seem to get custom keymaps working and hoping someone can point me in the right direction.


OSX: 10.8.2
XBMC: Frodo 12.2
Mac Mini
Harmony 900 Logitech Remote (using plex profile in harmony software)

I have set XBMC Input device to Multi Remote (Harmony) and all basic stuff is working fine. I want to add some custom keymaps such as button 2 updating the video library for example.

So I added remote.xml in /profile/library/Application Support/XBMC/userdata/keymaps/ and added this very basic code to assign button 2 on my harmony remote to updating the library:


I then reboot mac mini and open XBMC. When I push button 2 nothing happens and button 1 makes XBMC Window resizes which I guess means its using the default keymappings and ignoring my keymap. I have tried a number of different things such as removing the universalremote tags as well as using keyboard.xml instead of remote.xml and using home instead of global and cant seem to get this working

Here is a debug log: http://xbmclogs.com/show.php?id=48929

Any help would be massively appreciated


RE: Custom Keymaps Confusion - Ned Scott - 2013-08-24

I don't believe the Mac hardware IR receiver detects buttons outside of what you can program with an apple remote (plus a few extras). In other words it doesn't know what 1 and 2 are.

RE: Custom Keymaps Confusion - diverseft - 2013-08-24

oh $hite. OK so work around is purchase something like Flirc USB?

RE: Custom Keymaps Confusion - Ned Scott - 2013-08-25

Pretty much. Some other stuff might work, but I've never tried other USB receivers. Flirc works really well on Mac OS X (well, on any OS, really).

RE: Custom Keymaps Confusion - diverseft - 2013-08-25

Much appreciated Ned. Will purchase a Flirc dongle and see how that goes!

RE: Custom Keymaps Confusion - User 34959 - 2013-08-25

Ned Scott you should stop spreading this false information about the Mac's IR capabilities. This is not the first time i've seen you spreading false facts and suggesting people to get the Flirc. Well, you did not suggest it yourself in this case, i give you that.

To the original posters, open your XBMC activity, and add buttons your wanted buttons to the touchscreen (additional buttons) there. Example:

Label: Movies
Device: Mac mini/Plex player or whatever your device name is
Command: i have not tested other keyboard commands but functions keys (F1-F12 work)

Then change your keymap above to use selected functions keys.

RE: Custom Keymaps Confusion - Ned Scott - 2013-08-25

(2013-08-25, 10:08)toiva Wrote: Ned Scott you should stop spreading this false information about the Mac's IR capabilities. This is not the first time i've seen you spreading false facts and suggesting people to get the Flirc. Well, you did not suggest it yourself in this case, i give you that.

What the fuke? It's not false info. You cannot use an IR remote with the Mac hardware IR sensor and use number keys. Only a limited number of key signals are recognized at all by the default driver in Mac OS X.

If I want to recommend Flirc, then I'll damn well recommend Flirc. The ironic part is I don't even like IR remotes. Give me RF any day of the week over IR.

So I have no idea what on earth got in your head, or what exactly you are accusing me of, but you're the one who needs to get their facts straight. I told a user that he couldn't use the keypad portion of his remote to send singles to the Mac through its internal IR. 100-freaking-percent correct. If he wants to use those keys then yes, he has to use some external USB IR hardware, like the Flirc. That was what was asked, and I answered.

I'm a big enough man to admit I'm wrong if that isn't true (it is true, but that's besides the point), but accusing me of lying about it... doesn't even make sense. Why the heck would I lie about that?