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Problem with Display Charset - Printable Version

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Problem with Display Charset - Ghostrider1911 - 2013-08-30


first: please excuse my bad english, im from germany.

Here´s my Problem:

I use an 20x4 HD44780 compatible LCD, almost everything works perfect, except one Thing:

I want to use the Progressbar for the LCD.

Defined with: $INFO[LCD.ProgressBar]

This also works, BUT:

It shows not only the filled quadrats i want to see, first it shows the empty quadrat, then it shows an Quadrat with something like an heart in it, then it shows an empty quadrat, then it shows the full quadrat.

I think the Charset for the LCD isn´t correct.

I´d really like to know, where i can costumize the LCD Charset.


Uploaded with ImageShack.us

Then i could just remove the "heart" symbol and replace it with an empty one, this would be enough for me!

I would be very glad if someone could help me.

I already tried to ask in german Forums, but no one could really help me.

EDIT: I forgott to say that i use XBMCbuntu!

I somewhere read that it has something to do with the LCD.cpp, but i have no clue where i can find this file. I searched with find, but nothing found


RE: Problem with Display Charset - Ghostrider1911 - 2013-08-31


it´s a pitty that no one could have helped me, but to the people who are searching for a resolution for this Problem:

If you´r getting these strange Icons , Play Pause Icons doesn´t work, The Progressbar doesn´t Work etc..

Do the following to terminate this Problem:

Deaktivate LCD VFD Support in Options System Video

Install The Addon XBMC LCDproc

Make some Settings in this Addon, for me now everything works absolutely great!!

(I have an HD44780 kompatible 4x20 BIG LCD, in Black and White, (Really great Display!! But needs negative Contrast Voltage))


RE: Problem with Display Charset - Kib - 2013-08-31

Stuff like this is pretty specialised, so thanks for responding with the solution that worked for you.

RE: Problem with Display Charset - Ghostrider1911 - 2013-08-31

No Problem, hopes this help someone else