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Win movies dissappearing - Printable Version

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movies dissappearing - plincoln - 2013-09-13

I am finding that some of my movies are disappearing from my movie page even though when I first added them to xbmc they scraped ok & showed up under the movie page just the way they were supposed to. I have the movie watched button set to all videos so that is not the problem. On checking my movie titles in windows all the movies are there with the correct titles & years & they appear when the TMdb scraper runs but they won't reappear under the movies. I am sourcing my movies from 3 disk drives right now (soon to be four when I add my new 4 terabit drive to the drive bay) but that shouldn't be a problem as when I first added the movies I am kind of anal about making sure they all show up properly on the movie page before I add a new one. Under the 3 drives in windows I show 645 bluray movies but in xbmc under the movie heading only 625 are showing up. Any ideas what is happening here? As I mentioned previously all of these movies scraped properly & showed under the movie page & I even watched many of them but now 20 movies will not show up & I can't seem to fix it. Movies like Ironman 3, Total Recall both the old & the new which all I did was make sure the correct date was on each one will not reappear under the movie page even though they were there previously. Again I have the movie watched button set to all videos so that is not the problem. Anybody know what's happening here? I'm going nuts trying to fix the problem so any help you guys can give me is much appreciated. (;o)

RE: movies dissappearing - artrafael - 2013-09-13

Anything special about these movies, such as something they all have in common? Location, watched status, file format, file naming convention, etc.? Also, just because you see the movie title displayed on the progress bar when scanning for new movies doesn't necessarily mean that a match was found and that it was added to your library.

RE: movies dissappearing - ProsjektX - 2013-09-13

I have also seen this a lot and think it has to do with disk drives perhaps in idle mode needing some time to spin up, and when you have e.g. scraping set to run on startup or intervals, then the drives will take time to spin up and xbmc will determine files it cannot find as deleted.

Just my guess...

RE: movies dissappearing - kricker - 2013-09-14

You need to make sure the sources are available when you scan if you are using the clean library option. Otherwise XBMC will remove movies it can't find because a source is missing or not accessible.

If that is not the case then enable the debug log and then run a library update. Scan the log for the movies in question and see what happend. Post the log to xbmclogs.com and link here for others to help better.

RE: movies dissappearing - slithers - 2013-09-15

also check to make sure you do not have XBMC set to hide watched files