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Compiling mplayer.dll - Printable Version

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Compiling mplayer.dll - Monk - 2006-09-02

Hi all,

I'm trying to compile the mplayer.dll. I' using:
- mplayer CVS checkout 2006-09-02
- MinGW-5.0.3 (Current, Full)
- gcc-core-3.4.5-20060117-1
- MSYS-1.0.11-2004.04.30-1

The make process stops with following error:
make[1]: *** No rule to make target `demux_aac.o', needed by `libmpdemux.a'.  Stop.
make[1]: Leaving directory `/d/temp/SVN/xbmc/mplayer/mplayer/libmpdemux'
make: *** [libmpdemux/libmpdemux.a] Error 2

Hope someone can help.

Best regards,


- elupus - 2006-09-02

cvs update and try again... i had forgotten to add that file

- Monk - 2006-09-02

Thanks for this fix one. Alas, now I hit
dvd_reader.c:50: error: conflicting types for 'gettimeofday'
c:/mingw/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.5/../../../../include/sys/time.h:40: error: previous declaration of 'gettimeofday' was here
dvd_reader.c:50: error: conflicting types for 'gettimeofday'
c:/mingw/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.5/../../../../include/sys/time.h:40: error: previous declaration of 'gettimeofday' was here
make[1]: *** [dvd_reader.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/d/temp/SVN/xbmc/mplayer/mplayer/libmpdvdkit2'
make: *** [libmpdvdkit2/libmpdvdkit.a] Error

Best regards,


- elupus - 2006-09-03

that i'm not sure what is causing. looks to be some conflicts in your mingw env. think you'll have to figure that one out yourself.

- Monk - 2006-09-04

Thanks for your help. It was indeed an env issue. I installed the environment mentioned here and it works.
In some Google groups this error is mentioned in the context of MinGW like:
Quote:I added this inside the "#ifdef __MINGW32__" section to be sure it
doesn't affect the other compilers.

(As noted in my other mail, the error that you reported is only seen
with mingw-runtime-3.3 or later. This change fixes that error without
affecting builds with earlier versions, so it looks fine to me.)
Granted, not the version we talk about but also not the only report concerning this and not solution for a "not so much of coder" like me.

Best regards,


- [email protected] - 2006-10-16

is it possible to compile mplayer with the --enable-live configure?

- [email protected] - 2006-10-19

i was able to compile mplayer.dll with live555.com support, it adds an extra 0.4 meg to the file size, i havnt tested it yet because im at work. is there any way to test it on pc?

- elupus - 2006-10-19

that's interesting.. there was someone who tried that a while back but never succeded. no there is no way to test the dll outside the xbox sadly.

- [email protected] - 2006-10-19

ok ill try it tonight when i get home, i made the dll fine, and showed that it included/linked to the live lib

- [email protected] - 2006-10-19

i've uploaded it to here if you wana test it. i just compiled live555 in mingw and added it to the configurexbmc file.

- gzusrawx - 2006-10-19

what does having live555.com support add? more streaming support?

- [email protected] - 2006-10-19

well check out http://www.live555.com my main goal will be able to use the xbmc as a client for media portal

- [email protected] - 2006-10-20

hi i have checked out my mplayer.dll and had the same problem as the other guy, he seemed to think it was winsock that was playing up, so ive changed it abit to match the libmpdemux winsock stuff could someone test it, if not ill wait till i get home from work, heres a rtsp stream:

and the dll:
Mplayer DLL

- [email protected] - 2006-10-24

has anyone tried or got close to making a mplayer.dll for xbmc that is a newer version than pre6?

- elupus - 2006-10-24

no not really.. a few of the demuxers in our version is updated thou. however there are some major annoying changes in libvo wich make's it hard to support both a new and old mplayer.dll in xbmc.