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Home shortcuts not showing covers/info - Printable Version

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Home shortcuts not showing covers/info - imbizile - 2015-06-30

Is there a way to add a shortcut to a folder to the home screen, that will show covers and info when going into the folder?

Right now I have 4 different folders. 2 of them are TV shows and 2 are movies. I have made the folders Favorites to be able to add them directly to the home screen, but my problem is that when I enter the folders they are just showing the files, not with covers/info. Odd thing is that if I navigate 1 folder up (to parent) and re-enter it, it does show covers/info.

RE: Home shortcuts not showing covers/info - MacGyver - 2015-07-04

I tried to recreate your issue but couldn't. It sounds like maybe you aren't adding the media to your library. If your folders aren't scraped into the library then no info will show. If you are making a favorite out of a folder containing library items from the files view it still is technically not the library it's the files view so again no info (but you should have art). Try making a link to a smart playlist, or add a "tag" to the files from the library and then favorite the tag playlist and point to that.

In the end I didn't need to do any of that as I couldn't recreate the issue (aside from the normal fact that things not in the library won't display info), but I also have all the extra media added alongside my media file (eg. poster.jpg, folder.jpg, filename-poster.jpg, etc.etc).

RE: Home shortcuts not showing covers/info - imbizile - 2015-07-05

Hi MacGyver

Thanks a lot for the response, but I have added the folders to the library, so they are scraped. From Videos I choose Files, then Add videos and then navigated to the folders. Then the movies folders were scraped as Movies and TV show folders as TV Shows. So I dont think its a problem with the scraping as the info is shown correctly when I navigate to the folders from videos.

One of the Movie folders are called Dansk Film, and if I navigate from Videos --> Files --> Dansk Film, then I get the info as shown below:

But if I instead click the home shortcut that I made to the excact same folder, then I get the following result (with no info):
Clicking Dansk Film shortcut:
Results in:'

I tried messing with both tags and smart playlists as you suggested, but im having trouble figuring out how I can mark a complete folder with a specific tag - is that what you mean I should do and if so, how is that done?

Maybe it works for you because you have all you media info stored in the folders. Is that something you have set up somewhere in Kodi or do you use a different program for that?

RE: Home shortcuts not showing covers/info - MacGyver - 2015-08-09

Sorry for the late response imbizile.

I think you are adding the "files" view as the favorite and not the library link, try instead to create a movie smartplaylist with the rule of "Path" and point it to your "Dansk Film" source. Then add that smartlist as a favorite, and point the home menu shortcut to that. It should let you have a library-based view of a source folder (I think).

RE: Home shortcuts not showing covers/info - imbizile - 2015-08-20

What you suggested worked Smile

It did not work with "Path is Dansk Film", that only works if it points directly to a single movie, but I got it to work with "Path contains Dansk Film" instead.

This does give a few other problems as I actually have sub folders inside the other folders, but for now ill work around that in a different way (now excluding those with "does not contain" rules in the playlists)

I would still prefer to beign able to choose the actual folders as the home menu items, but this solution is much better than before when it sometimes did not show info and icons, so ill manage with this for now.

Thanks a bunch for the help MacGyver Smile

RE: Home shortcuts not showing covers/info - MacGyver - 2015-08-20

NP Smile