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Win 'Mouse Events' from remote not working in Kodi, works in NextPVR - Printable Version

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'Mouse Events' from remote not working in Kodi, works in NextPVR - Occa - 2015-12-31

Hi All, Firstly, happy new year! Hoping you are in the festive spirit to help on an issue that I just can't solve.

Problem Summary
I have a Gyration GYR4101US remote which has been a trusty companion through my media center years. I am trying to get the remote to work in Kodi without success:
- Keyboard buttons work. Up, Down, Left, Right, Ok, Numbers.
- Air Mouse works. Waving the remote around does move the mouse, and the left and right mouse buttons work perfectly.
- Mouse events do not work. It turns out that half of the buttons send mouse events, and none of these work. Examples include pause, record, EPG, My Videos, etc.

When Does It Work?
I used to use WMC on a Windows 7 Machine with mixed feelings. Over the holidays I had the time to invest upgrading the computer to Windows 10 and moving to Kodi. On windows 7 and MCE the remote worked perfectly.

In setting up Kodi PVR, I installed NextPVR. In NextPVR the EPG button, record button, all buttons work perfectly.

What I have Tried
Driver Update
Thinking that the driver was incorrect for Windows 10 I've tried to install a range of drivers, without success. There does not appear to be a specific driver for this remote, and all the functions work perfectly in NextPVR.

MCERemote Add-on
I installed the MCE Remote Add-on and ran Kodi as an administrator. It said it did the mapping, but did not change the remote behavior.

Keymap Editor
I installed the Keymap Editor Add-on. When mapping the pause, record, EPG, Live TV (and more) buttons it was not recognized. It did recognize other commands, like 'left' and 'right'

Show Key
I installed Show Key. Results were:
- Keys which currently work in Kodi showed a 'KeyID' in ShowKey. For example 'Up' showed 38 (0x26) - VK_UP as the KeyID.
- For the buttons which don't work they showed either:
- Only an AppCmd. For example, pause and record showed only AppCmd: WM_APPCOMMAND 47: Pause
- Nothing. For example the EPG, Live TV, Green Button all showed nothing.

I installled EventGohst and followed the instuctions here: I could not proceed, because the pause, record, EPG, Live TV (and more) buttons would not appear in the event log.

I looked through the debug log for Errors, and pressing these buttons which don't work, do not appear to create an error in the Kodi log.

Forum Searches
I've searched endlessly through the forums to find a solution. Unfortunately most of the comments regarding this problem deal with Lircd. However I've discovered the following things:
- The remote does not appear to be eHome, as the eHome driver is not in the Device Manager (or is this a Windows 10 thing?)
- All the keys I'm having trouble with are Mouse Events
- There are two types of mouse events. The type where I receive no response in Show Keys come from ...-event-mouse events. (http://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=59034)
- Instuctions exist here, but they are for Ubuntu. http://kodi.wiki/view/HOW-TO:Configure_Gyration_USB_remote_for_Ubuntu.
- A map of the keys on the remote which do and do not work is shown here: http://phalox.be/wp/software/configuring-a-gyration-remote-to-work-with-xbmc/

I tried looking for a Remote.ini/IRRemote.ini file in the Windows directory, which there isn't one.

I tested the remote in NextPVR and the remote works perfectly.

System Information
1. Version of Kodi: Instangrad
2. Windows 10
3. CPU/Architecture: 64 bit, i920 Intel
4. RAM amount: 8GB
5. Detailed Instructions to reproduce the Problem: Pressing the record button in EPG or Live TV. Pressing the EPG button anywhere. Neither has a response.

Hopefully that gives a good start to the problem, and I appreciate any time someone has in helping with this issue.



RE: 'Mouse Events' from remote not working in Kodi, works in NextPVR - Occa - 2016-01-03

Any ideas would be a great help. Thanks!!!

RE: 'Mouse Events' from remote not working in Kodi, works in NextPVR - Occa - 2016-01-08

Looking for any suggestions