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Control several android Kodi instances from one Windows PC/iPad? - Printable Version

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Control several android Kodi instances from one Windows PC/iPad? - mixmax - 2018-10-18

I have a custom setup where several android boxes with Kodi should be controlled from one Windows computer (they all hooked up via ethernet), or if possible - from iPad, which is connected to the same network via wi-fi.
Or I can imagine, maybe, running virtual keyboard (Air Keyboard or alike on iOS) on iPad, which will have wireless connection to PC and send keystrokes/kb combos which will trigger actions on PC, which in turn will control android boxes.

You can think of it as a couple of classes (with different educational materials being projected in each) and in need centralized but separate control for each kodi instance from handheld device or PC. What would be the best solution in such case? What software to use?

RE: Control several android Kodi instances from one Windows PC/iPad? - PatK - 2018-10-18

Until the last line, I thought you already had it all working this way and wanted to share your discoveries. I suppose the usual web interfaces, Web interface (wiki) or Smartphone/tablet remotes (wiki) then there's the option of custom remotes or keyboards that can handle multiple devices. Let us know what solutions you come up with and what works for you. A possible solution might have come into the forum some time ago with a mention of a Kodi solution for a hotel whihc might be closer to what you want? (guess you'll have to search out that one).

Control several android Kodi instances from one Windows PC/iPad? - Memphiz - 2018-10-19

Just use the official Kodi remote for iOS and add all the Kodi devices to it. You can then simply switch between them and control them.

RE: Control several android Kodi instances from one Windows PC/iPad? - mixmax - 2018-10-19

(2018-10-19, 07:20)Memphiz Wrote: Just use the official Kodi remote for iOS and add all the Kodi devices to it. You can then simply switch between them and control them.
 Thanks, I'll give it a try and share my findings with community.
My ultimate goal would be to skin it and get a customized and simplified foolproof UI with basically play/stop buttons for each player (and maybe ffd/rwd/dropdown to select item from playlist) on one single screen.

RE: Control several android Kodi instances from one Windows PC/iPad? - speedwell68 - 2018-10-24

I use Play to Kodi for Chrome as a basic remote.  It works on anything that can run Google Chrome.  It also lets you 'cast' Youtube videos to Kodi.  There is another Chrome addon called Kassi but that only supports one Kodi client at a time.

RE: Control several android Kodi instances from one Windows PC/iPad? - David L - 2018-10-29

I am running a Windows home automation / media control application that connects to one Kodi player and grabs it's metadata and file paths for videos.  Then, from the HTML UI (completely customizable), I can select another Kodi device to play the movie.  You can control the Kodi player from the customizable HTML5 UI (phones, tablets, etc) Just tested this with v18beta and that too is working nicely.