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XBMC will not go to 1080p over VGA - Printable Version

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XBMC will not go to 1080p over VGA - koriar - 2010-09-10


I've been trying to get XBMC to output to a higher resolution for months now, and I apologize if I'm missing something simple, but I could really use some help.

I have a Sharp LC46D64U and apparently it requires some trickery to get 1080p over a VGA connection. I've found a forum post where someone got around the restriction on Windows using PowerStrip, but I have my copy installed through the XBMC Live CD, and I've gotten everything set up how I want it. Also, I don't have another Windows licence to use...

Here is the post I'm talking about:

Is there a way to do something similar in Linux? I used the script in the "Perfect playback at 23.97/59.94 hz with NVIDIA hardware" thread and it got me from the previous 640x480 to 800x600@60hz. That's certainly an improvement, but I would like to get it to 1080p if I can.

I've tried adding modelines, using virtual screens, used auto-configure utilities, reinstalled, and tried changing every setting on my Tv, all to no avail.

Here's all of the information listed as required, please let me know if there's any other information that I can provide.

I'm using the XBMC 9.11 R26018 version of XBMC Live. (It also says "Compiled: Dec 24 2009" and then on the next line BUILD: and then nothing else on that line)

According to System Info the linux kernel is 2.6.31-22-generic #61-Ubuntu SMP Wed ...

Architecture is i686

I used the XBMC Live cd to install it to my hard drive. It's the only operating system on the box.

I'm hoping the "R26018" part is the SVN revision number as I don't seem to have the label referenced as being on the default skin.

It's an ongoing problem, so I guess "turn on the system" is the steps to reproduce it in my case.

Here's a pastebin link to my debug log:


I wasn't sure what to do to generate more data, so I just started it up and let it run for a few minutes.

If it helps, my graphics card is a Geforce 7950 GT.

Like I said please let me know if there's any more information that might be useful. While the 800x600 is certainly useful, I'm currently streching the picture so that it fits the screen and I would much rather have it use the "dot by dot" setting for better quality.

EDIT: Ah, my video card only has DVI outputs, so I have to use a DVI to VGA converter if that would affect anything.

Thank you,

- koriar - 2010-09-12

I figured since it's an xorg problem I should post my Xorg.0.log file.


And my xorg.conf file:


From what I can gather from the log file it looks like I'm not getting any EDID information from the TV, and also that it considers it "CRT-1" ... which I'm not entirely sure what that means... that it's going over analog instead of digital maybe?

So does this mean I look into setting up my own modelines? If I can't get the EDID information, are there standard modelines that I can use? '

I'm going to try the ones listed here and hope I don't horribly break my TV:


- bobo1on1 - 2010-09-12

Remove "NoVesaModes, NoXServerModes, " from xorg.conf, that should give you a 1080p mode in this case, whether it actually works is a different matter.

- koriar - 2010-09-12

Well, that resulted in my TV showing "480i" as the resolution and not displaying anything.

That is however the same result as when I put in the modelines for 1080p, so I'm guessing it is indeed outputting 1080p.

I actually found the manual for my TV, and it lists resolutions that it supports over VGA. One of them is 1600x1200@60, but when I try to play videos it switches back over to the 480i display and I only get sound.

It looks like I can however use 1280x1040 at 60, 75 and 85 Hz, which looks good enough for me. However, now it looks like I have that "juddering" problem I've been hearing about...

So I guess I'll be poking around to figure out how to force it at the 29.97/59.94 Hz rates and hope my TV supports it!

Thank you very much by the way! Smile

- bobo1on1 - 2010-09-12

The manual usually states which resolutions are supported over vga.