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[LINUX] OpenELEC.tv Linux Distro on Apple TV - Success! - Printable Version

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[LINUX] OpenELEC.tv Linux Distro on Apple TV - Success! - deraaij - 2010-10-05

Hi all,

Today I got Openelec.tv, a fast booting and small embedded XBMC distribution (< 90MB), to work on the ATV! (For more information about openelec.tv see http://www.openelec.tv)

I used the OpenELEC.tv - generic - 32bit snapshot and tested it using the atv-bootloader. It worked directly, currently we (Stephan from Openelec.tv) are busy making and testing a dedicated ATV image. So all the ATV stuff (like remote, Crystal HD etc) is included and all stuff which is not necessary is excluded.

Now (without the Crystal HD) the menu works great and some 720P movies i tested play oke. Let's wait for the crystal HD support.

CPU usage in GUI +/- 11%:

From the second kernel boot it boots in 10-15 sec. We are trying to skip the double boot.

When we made some more progress and a dedicated ATV image i will make a howto.



PS For genereal help, news and updates regarding OpenELEC.tv: http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=61340

- davilla - 2010-10-05

very nice. been meaning to try this but just have not had the time.

- .:B:. - 2010-10-05

Sounds exciting, looking forward to it Smile.

- sraue - 2010-10-05

Hi Davilla,

davilla Wrote:very nice. been meaning to try this but just have not had the time.

i will include support for crystalhd too, make an own image only for ATV so its easyer to try this - the next days. i was very surprised that nearly all works "out of the box" with our generic image (includes for example the 260.19.06 nvidia driver).

- davilla - 2010-10-05

openelec.tv Wrote:Hi Davilla,

i will include support for crystalhd too, make an own image only for ATV so its easyer to try this - the next days. i was very surprised that nearly all works "out of the box" with our generic image (includes for example the 260.19.06 nvidia driver).

The crystalhd-for-osx svn tree has both osx and linux source code and it has DMA buffer mods to use 8 instead of 16. That's aimed at the atv as it's very RAM limited with only 256MBs. There's a tag at crystalhd-for-osx-3.8.0.

- gsi095 - 2010-10-06

Im running Crystalbuntu on my ATV and have updated to the latest nightly build. Its great but I'd love to see how a lighter version worked.

- live4ever - 2010-10-06

The thing I like the best about OpenELEC.tv is how it updates/downgrades (using now on a Atom 330 ION). Also boot time is under 10 seconds with a SSD.

- darkscout - 2010-10-06

Awesome.... I have a 1G ATV that I'm pondering putting linux on. (Either on the hard drive or just a USB boot). This would be great.

- gsi095 - 2010-10-06

live4ever Wrote:The thing I like the best about OpenELEC.tv is how it updates/downgrades (using now on a Atom 330 ION). Also boot time is under 10 seconds with a SSD.

What do you mean by it "upgrades/downgades"?


- deraaij - 2010-10-06

gsi095 Wrote:What do you mean by it "upgrades/downgades"?


You can manually (or automatically when available) put the KERNEL and SYSTEM from the latest snapshot in the Update dir and it upgrades the kernel and XBMC on the next boot.

- Starstream - 2010-10-06

Thats great news looking forward to trying it out on my ATV.

- deraaij - 2010-10-06

Small update:

Tonight I am going to test a new ATV image with Crystal HD support, Yesterday apple remote support was already included.



- gsi095 - 2010-10-06

deraaij Wrote:You can manually (or automatically when available) put the KERNEL and SYSTEM from the latest snapshot in the Update dir and it upgrades the kernel and XBMC on the next boot.

sweet, i see why ypu like it

- deraaij - 2010-10-07


With the help of Davilla, Thanssen and Stephan (THNX!) we got the crystal HD working with 720P and 1080P yesterday Smile

Some more tweaking and testing to do.....

Report back soon....

- w00dst0ck - 2010-10-07

Great news! Can't wait for the release.