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[RELEASE] Sickbeard XBMC - Control Sickbeard from XBMC
I'm getting "Get Shows - I was unable to retrieve data.Error expected string or buffer
Sickrage is running on my mac locally and I have triple checked the config info and ip.I have version 1.3.11 of your addon off a android box.does it work for android??

Mac mini Yosemite
Android Kit Kat
Kodi Isengaurd 15.1
Sickrage Master Branch
(2015-09-07, 18:10)wolverine30008 Wrote: Hey just wanted to say thanks for keeping this addon alive and the sickrage revision is truly awesome.
I am using a skin right now with the sickbeard couchpotatoe intergration right now but according to one of your post on this page it states that lazy uses artic Z.I have tried but can not get it to work like fastcolors skin.Do I need to revise the zephyr skin my self for these features or am I missing something or maybe even misread that post?? It would be nice to have two different skins with the SB and CP intergration.
Any insight into that post is appreciated.thanks

Thanks for the kind words, I appreciate that.

Bare with me while I try to understand your post. So the SickRage addon doesn't work at all on the skin you are using? Is that correct?

I think the post you referring to is has to do with me speculating that his issue might have to do with the Artic Z skin, but I was wrong. It had nothing to do with that skin, the issue was something else, and was resolved.

Personally I only use and test on the Confluence skin, only because that's the skin I use. So I'm ignorant at the moment as to what issues there might be on other skins.

Help me to understand, what is or isn't working in regard to the SickRage addon?
(2015-09-07, 18:55)wolverine30008 Wrote: I'm getting "Get Shows - I was unable to retrieve data.Error expected string or buffer
Sickrage is running on my mac locally and I have triple checked the config info and ip.I have version 1.3.11 of your addon off a android box.does it work for android??

Mac mini Yosemite
Android Kit Kat
Kodi Isengaurd 15.1
Sickrage Master Branch

It looks like I posted at the same time you were giving some detail.

Yes the addon runs on Android, I have an Android box that I use it on. 1.3.11 is the latest version.

Can you post the debug log or a segment of it that will show more detail of what's going on?

If you look at the SickRage server log in debug level mode, do you see a line like:

TORNADO :: API :: 192.168.xxx.xxx - gave correct API KEY. ACCESS GRANTED

That appears around the time you tried to access data using the SickRage addon?
Here is my latest kodi log from minutes ago.Thanks again
04:45:35 T:1921693816 INFO: Python script stopped
04:45:35 T:1921693816 DEBUG: Thread LanguageInvoker 1921693816 terminating
04:45:35 T:1932532760 DEBUG: bool XFILE::CPluginDirectory::WaitOnScriptResult(const string&, int, const string&, bool) - plugin exited prematurely - terminating
04:45:36 T:1788493752 ERROR: static bool XFILE::CDirectory::GetDirectory(const CURL&, CFileItemList&, const XFILE::CDirectory::CHints&, bool) - Error getting plugin://plugin.video.sickrage/?mode=1&name=Show%20List&url
04:45:36 T:1788493752 ERROR: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory(plugin://plugin.video.sickrage/?mode=1&name=Show%20List&url) failed
04:45:36 T:1788493752 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory (plugin://plugin.video.sickrage/)
04:45:36 T:1788493752 DEBUG: ParentPath = [addons://sources/video]
04:45:36 T:1932532760 DEBUG: bool XFILE::CPluginDirectory::StartScript(const string&, bool) - calling plugin SickRage('plugin://plugin.video.sickrage/','21','')
04:45:36 T:1932532760 DEBUG: bool XFILE::CPluginDirectory::WaitOnScriptResult(const string&, int, const string&, bool) - waiting on the SickRage (id=35) plugin...
04:45:36 T:1940940456 NOTICE: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
04:45:36 T:1940940456 INFO: initializing python engine.
04:45:36 T:1940940456 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(35, /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.sickrage-master/default.py): start processing
04:45:36 T:1940940456 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
04:45:36 T:1940940456 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(35, /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.sickrage-master/default.py): the source file to load is "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.sickrage-master/default.py"
04:45:36 T:1940940456 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(35, /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.sickrage-master/default.py): setting the Python path to /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.sickrage-master:/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/script.module.addon.common/lib:/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/script.module.metahandler/lib:/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/script.module.myconnpy/lib:/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/script.module.simplejson/lib:/:/data/app/org.xbmc.kodi-2.apk/assets/python2.6/lib/python26.zip:/data/app/org.xbmc.kodi-2.apk/assets/python2.6/lib/python2.6:/data/app/org.xbmc.kodi-2.apk/assets/python2.6/lib/python2.6/plat-linux3:/data/app/org.xbmc.kodi-2.apk/assets/python2.6/lib/python2.6/lib-tk:/data/app/org.xbmc.kodi-2.apk/assets/python2.6/lib/python2.6/lib-old:/data/app/org.xbmc.kodi-2.apk/assets/python2.6/lib/python2.6/lib-dynload
04:45:36 T:1940940456 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(35, /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.sickrage-master/default.py): entering source directory /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.sickrage-master
04:45:36 T:1940940456 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(35, /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.sickrage-master/default.py): instantiating addon using automatically obtained id of "plugin.video.sickrage" dependent on version 2.1.0 of the xbmc.python api
04:45:36 T:1932532760 DEBUG: bool XFILE::CPluginDirectory::WaitOnScriptResult(const string&, int, const string&, bool)- plugin returned successfully
04:45:36 T:1940940456 INFO: CPythonInvoker(35, /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.sickrage-master/default.py): script successfully run
04:45:36 T:1935614600 NOTICE: Thread BackgroundLoader start, auto delete: false
04:45:36 T:1935614600 DEBUG: Thread BackgroundLoader 1935614600 terminating
04:45:36 T:1940940456 INFO: Python script stopped
04:45:36 T:1940940456 DEBUG: Thread LanguageInvoker 1940940456 terminating
04:45:36 T:1788493752 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogBusy.xml) ------
04:45:40 T:1788493752 DEBUG: bool CInputManager:TonguerocessMouse(int): unknown mouse command 57605
04:45:40 T:1788493752 DEBUG: bool CInputManager:TonguerocessMouse(int): trying mouse action mousedrag
04:45:41 T:1788493752 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 14 times.
04:45:41 T:1788493752 DEBUG: bool CInputManager:TonguerocessMouse(int): unknown mouse command 57606
04:45:41 T:1788493752 DEBUG: Unfocus WindowID: 10025, ControlID: 52
04:45:53 T:1788493752 DEBUG: bool CInputManager:TonguerocessMouse(int): unknown mouse command 57605
04:45:53 T:1788493752 DEBUG: bool CInputManager:TonguerocessMouse(int): trying mouse action mousedrag
04:45:53 T:1788493752 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 15 times.
04:45:53 T:1788493752 DEBUG: bool CInputManager:TonguerocessMouse(int): unknown mouse command 57606
04:45:53 T:1788493752 DEBUG: Unfocus WindowID: 10025, ControlID: 52
04:46:09 T:1788493752 DEBUG: SECTION:UnloadDelayed(DLL: libImageLib-arm.so)
04:46:09 T:1788493752 DEBUG: Unloading: /libImageLib-arm.so
04:46:19 T:1935788944 DEBUG: Thread JobWorker 1935788944 terminating (autodelete)
04:46:19 T:1932532760 DEBUG: Thread JobWorker 1932532760 terminating (autodelete)
04:46:19 T:2017322944 DEBUG: Thread JobWorker 2017322944 terminating (autodelete)
04:46:19 T:1860186176 DEBUG: Thread JobWorker 1860186176 terminating (autodelete)
04:46:19 T:1788493752 INFO: void XCURL:Big GrinllLibCurlGlobal::CheckIdle() - Closing session to http://www.msftncsi.com (easy=0x700b2528, multi=0x0)
04:48:38 T:1920745256 DEBUG: EPG - bool EPG::CEpg::UpdateFromScraper(time_t, time_t) - updating EPG for channel 'òøåõ 1' from client '2389'
04:48:38 T:1920745256 INFO: void XCURL:Big GrinllLibCurlGlobal::easy_aquire(const char*, const char*, XCURL::CURL_HANDLE**, XCURL::CURLM**) - Created session to http://iptv.thewiz.info
04:48:39 T:1920745256 DEBUG: CFileCache::Open - opening <idan.xml> using cache
04:48:39 T:1920745256 DEBUG: CurlFile::Open(0x73d70d50) http://iptv.thewiz.info/idan.xml
04:48:39 T:1920745256 DEBUG: CCurlFile::Open - effective URL: <http://repo.thewiz.info/>
04:48:39 T:1881199520 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
04:48:39 T:1881199520 INFO: CFileCache:Tonguerocess - Hit eof.
04:48:39 T:1881199520 DEBUG: Thread FileCache 1881199520 terminating
04:48:39 T:1920745256 ERROR: AddOnLog: PVR IPTV Simple Client: Unable parse EPG XML: expected <
04:48:39 T:1920745256 DEBUG: EPG - bool EPG::CEpg::UpdateFromScraper(time_t, time_t) - updating EPG for channel 'îàéø TV' from client '2389'
04:48:39 T:1920745256 DEBUG: EPG - bool EPG::CEpg::UpdateFromScraper(time_t, time_t) - updating EPG for channel 'éùøàì ôìåñ' from client '2389'
04:48:39 T:1920745256 DEBUG: EPG - bool EPG::CEpg::UpdateFromScraper(time_t, time_t) - updating EPG for channel 'çãùåú òøåõ 2' from client '2389'
04:48:39 T:1920745256 DEBUG: EPG - bool EPG::CEpg::UpdateFromScraper(time_t, time_t) - updating EPG for channel 'òøåõ äëðñú' from client '2389'
04:48:39 T:1920745256 DEBUG: EPG - bool EPG::CEpg::UpdateFromScraper(time_t, time_t) - updating EPG for channel 'òøåõ 10' from client '2389'
04:48:39 T:1920745256 DEBUG: EPG - bool EPG::CEpg::UpdateFromScraper(time_t, time_t) - updating EPG for channel 'òøåõ 2 - øàùåï òã ùìéùé' from client '2389'
04:48:39 T:1920745256 DEBUG: EPG - bool EPG::CEpg::UpdateFromScraper(time_t, time_t) - updating EPG for channel 'òøåõ 2 - øáéòé òã ùáú' from client '2389'
04:48:39 T:1920745256 DEBUG: EPG - bool EPG::CEpg::UpdateFromScraper(time_t, time_t) - updating EPG for channel 'òøåõ äîåæé÷ä' from client '2389'
04:48:39 T:1920745256 DEBUG: EPG - bool EPG::CEpg::UpdateFromScraper(time_t, time_t) - updating EPG for channel 'òøåõ ä÷áìä' from client '2389'
04:48:39 T:1861051976 DEBUG: CPVRTimers - bool PVR::CPVRTimers::Update() - updating timers

One thing i did notice was that on my sickrage log it states the server is running on that is the issue but i cant seem to find a setting in sickrage to change my local address settings.Here is all i have on my sickrage log concerning tornado
2015-09-07 15:01:16 INFO TORNADO :: Starting SickRage on
2015-09-07 15:01:00 INFO EVENT-QUEUE :: Shutting down Tornado
2015-09-07 14:58:20 INFO TORNADO :: Starting SickRage on
2015-09-07 14:58:03 INFO EVENT-QUEUE :: Shutting down Tornado
2015-09-07 11:04:35 INFO TORNADO :: Starting SickRage on
2015-09-07 10:59:20 INFO TORNADO :: Starting SickRage on
2015-09-07 10:48:14 INFO TORNADO :: Starting SickRage on
Sorry for so many post but I tried something new.I created a login and PW in sickrage.now I get the error saying "Error:No JSON object could be decoded.
Hope this helps figure it out.I have to step away from this for a bit my patience is running thin lol
(2015-09-07, 23:09)wolverine30008 Wrote: Carey,

One thing i did notice was that on my sickrage log it states the server is running on that is the issue but i cant seem to find a setting in sickrage to change my local address settings.Here is all i have on my sickrage log concerning tornado
2015-09-07 15:01:16 INFO TORNADO :: Starting SickRage on
2015-09-07 15:01:00 INFO EVENT-QUEUE :: Shutting down Tornado
2015-09-07 14:58:20 INFO TORNADO :: Starting SickRage on
2015-09-07 14:58:03 INFO EVENT-QUEUE :: Shutting down Tornado
2015-09-07 11:04:35 INFO TORNADO :: Starting SickRage on
2015-09-07 10:59:20 INFO TORNADO :: Starting SickRage on
2015-09-07 10:48:14 INFO TORNADO :: Starting SickRage on

I have the same thing on my system, where it shows all zeros for the IP address in the log. Not sure why, but since it's the same let's assume that's not an issue at the moment.

So catch me up on your setup. You are running Kodi and the addon on an Android box? And you have the SickRage server running on a Mac? And is this on a wired LAN or WiFi connection?

Do a couple of quick tests to make sure your SickRage server is connecting with the settings you believe to be correct:

Us the above line as a template and put that in your browser address on a computer on your network. Obviously change the IP address and port to the address of the SickRage server machine. Make sure you use your own username and password for the SickRage server. Are you using a SSL connection for the SickRage server? In which case check that you are using either http or https.

What you should get back is something like this:

api_key : "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
success : true

If you see your API key and success is true, then we know your server is at least connecting properly with the settings you are using. I know you said you have checked the settings in the addon, but make sure that "Use SSL" is checked or unchecked correctly. I've frustrated myself in the past by missing this and it was set to the reverse.
(2015-09-08, 00:30)wolverine30008 Wrote: Sorry for so many post but I tried something new.I created a login and PW in sickrage.now I get the error saying "Error:No JSON object could be decoded.
Hope this helps figure it out.I have to step away from this for a bit my patience is running thin lol

So up until now, you didn't have a username and password set in the SickRage server? So you had the API Key entered manually instead in the addon Settings > Login?
api success true

yes I am on a mac mini running yosemite
I have tried both wifi and local with both devices and every combo i can think of like my mac set to wifi and my box set to lan or both set to the same nevertheless its all the same network but I have found some addons on the android box are tempermental to ethernet connections but i wouldnt think that is the case here.I set my local area ip and port and i have even switched it to the wifi ip but still no luck..
That last error leads me to beleive i am missing something JSON related also no the SSL is not checked in sickrage on the mac
Yes to post 174.I did not have anything set for login details in sickrage on the mac but I set a user and pw now and the funny thing is when i went back into settings the api key had been grabbed so I figured it should work now but I am still getting that JSON error like earlier or the expected buffer or string error.
(2015-09-08, 04:08)wolverine30008 Wrote: Yes to post 174.I did not have anything set for login details in sickrage on the mac but I set a user and pw now and the funny thing is when i went back into settings the api key had been grabbed so I figured it should work now but I am still getting that JSON error like earlier or the expected buffer or string error.

Okay, so it's grabbing the API Key like it should since you entered the username and password. Maybe I'm tired but I can't think of what is going wrong still.

Try this in your browser:

Put your API Key where the XXX is, and change the IP and port as needed. You should get a JSON listing in your browser of all your shows. So long as your browser displays raw JSON. Firefox won't without an extension like JSON-DataView. IE will. Chrome will. Not sure about Safari.

This is the JSON data that "Show List" is pulling.

So you get the same error message when you try any list in the addon? Upcoming, history, backlog, Show List all get the same error?
Yes that's right.I just want to note that I have my SR web open on my mac on the same port but that couldn't be the problem could it.My kodi install is on another machine using another port but I'm all out of ideas.
Whatever you may need from my end - just ask.
The above link also works it pulls up a script page noting episodes, history exc.

Hope we can figure this out

Thanks Carey
Good news finally have it working.I just rebooted everything including the modem and router.Every section works except "show list" the error I get is Error: "tvrage_id".that's it I have looked at the logs and there is a url open error so maybe it's on tvrage side.I will look further into it and keep u posted but if your familiar with that error please let me know the fix.Thanks
(2015-09-08, 19:52)wolverine30008 Wrote: Yes that's right.I just want to note that I have my SR web open on my mac on the same port but that couldn't be the problem could it.My kodi install is on another machine using another port but I'm all out of ideas.
Whatever you may need from my end - just ask.
The above link also works it pulls up a script page noting episodes, history exc.

Hope we can figure this out

Thanks Carey

I'm sorry but I don't know what you mean when you say that the SR server is on one port on one computer, and the port is different for Kodi on another computer.

So what exactly is the IP address and port number you are using when you entered the test string for the show list I sent you? No one can access your local machine knowing that here, so go ahead and share that IP address and port number with me.

So when you did that last test from your browser, you did that from the same computer that you have SR server running on, or a different computer? If you did it from the same computer and it worked, did you also try it from another computer with a web browser on the same network? Does it still work then? Is there a web browser on the Android box you can try it on? I'm not a Mac guy, so I'm not familiar with what if anything is on there for a firewall. If you can do that test from another computer on the network and see what the output is, and to make sure there isn't a firewall restricting the port 8081 if that's what SR is using.

Let me know.
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[RELEASE] Sickbeard XBMC - Control Sickbeard from XBMC2