[Request] SiriusXM plugin
+1 I am an XBMC user (new user, but with what I have learned recently I am going to use much more) and a Sirius subscriber. I am using XBMC as a music server for home audio system. Shoutcast is great, I got iHeart radio working, and if I could get Sirius added that would be the cats meow. PLEASE!!
+1 for this. I'm also using XBMC as a home music server and this would be a very nice addition to my setup.
+1 would love to have this.
Please, please, please.....
Thought I'd chime in here... I did the former RunXM add-on for XBMC (Camelot and Dharma) while Sirius and XM were two separate companies. SiriusXM's online listening portal functions use flash, which--to my knowledge--you can't dissect unless you have the source files that created the login interface and the interaction with the streaming content.

Should anyone have the desire to attempt it, the source code for RunXM is here: https://code.google.com/p/leknifragrepo/source/browse/

I am a current user of Logitech's Squeezebox Duet and Squeezebox Media Server. I've been frustrated by frequent wireless networking issues between the controller, receiver and the pc-based media server software running on Windows 8.1. So, long story but I'm looking to change.

I am interested in a good reliable media server, great user interface, that I can use to control an OPPO BD and streaming server with again, my media resident on the hard drive of my home desktop....

Founds XMBC. I like it but I also use the Sirius plug-in for Squeezebox a lot. Having one for my "new" player would be indeed awesome, then it would be norhing but an upgrade, no give-backs...

+1 on this request for a Sirius Add-in.

Thanks for this forum and the product, hope to jump in soon...

Once again, it is 2017 and the SiriusXM app is big so why no add-on for it in Kodi?
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[Request] SiriusXM plugin0