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Release PlayIt service : Play hosted video url remotely on XBMC
(2016-04-28, 04:19)Falcon_X Wrote: Tested with Firefox 45.0.2 and KODI Jarvis RC1 on FireTV - doesn't work.

Any update soon?
Would be a really cool addon, if this would work

Please attach a kodi.log file.
In most cases a softlink xbmc.log -> kodi.log is missing.
You could also have a look in your playit settings. Espacially look on the linstening port.
(2016-05-03, 10:14)Willhelm Wrote:
(2016-04-28, 04:19)Falcon_X Wrote: Tested with Firefox 45.0.2 and KODI Jarvis RC1 on FireTV - doesn't work.

Any update soon?
Would be a really cool addon, if this would work

Please attach a kodi.log file.
In most cases a softlink xbmc.log -> kodi.log is missing.
You could also have a look in your playit settings. Espacially look on the linstening port.

Tested once again in OpenElec 6.95.3 on RPi2, this time I've used a different port instead of 8080, now it works with youtube, but with soundcloud it doesn't work.
LogFile (Errors)

Is it possible that the youtube video in firefox stops automatic, when the video is played in Kodi?
it seems that the request to play a site reaches kodi right now on your machine.
You could try to update urlresolver or the youtube-dl engine in kodi.

Is it possible that the youtube video in firefox stops automatic, when the video is played in Kodi?
Might be, I think this has to be done for each site seperately, sites may change over time and i would spent a lot of time to adept my code on site changes. ...

I would not expect to implement this feature Wink

update it ends with an unauthorized http error. So you try to play something on Kodi where you need be logged in as a user?
Urlresolver and youtube-dl are already the newest versions..

I was logged in soundcloud and tried to send a stream from my laptop to kodi on my RPi2.
I've tested it once again, this time I was logged out, still doens't work. "Processing received request..." appears in KODI, but that's all.
hm you might ask ajay for support. I only wrote the firefox addon Wink
(2015-11-04, 12:36)mujunk Wrote: Hi Willhelm...What are the chances for a chrome extension?

Today truprecht wrote an extension for Chrome Wink
Have a look into the git repo
where to find the listener now?
hmmmm google might help.

have a look on this posting
For those of you who are using Tampermonkey or Greasemonkey, check out my user script and let me know what you think about it.
You can download it at Greasyfork or GitHub
I know that there are some design issues, because every website is designed differently. Just let me know if you find such an issue.
Thanks and have fun Wink
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PlayIt service : Play hosted video url remotely on XBMC11