RAW image format files (from digital cameras like Canon, Nikon, etc.) "RAW" photos
Got a strange little issue here when trying to view .cr2 files. When I click on the file itself it will load up (a little slowly but it does load) and looks fine. But some of the file and folder thumbnails just look corrupt.

Any ideas why the thumbnails would be so hit and miss? Some look just great but others are just a mixture of all different colours and I can't make out anything.
I am experiencing the same problem.
Haven't had the time to report it yet. Smile

New to the forums, just here to complain Smile

First, love the app and worked fine until now that I have my HTPC of my very own. Now it's under daily stress.

On to my issue. XBMC displays my ARW files (Sony Advanced Raw) in the file list, but can't preview or load them. Attempting to do so crashes the program. Is this known, and if not, how can I help? (aside from version and error details, in case this is news to anybody).

Also, does XBMC make use of DCRAW (lib*)? It works fine from what I noticed, has all the develop stuff built-in and it works on W32/64 and Linux. Just throwing it out there, since I used it just fine with CR2 and ARW.
I have a Canon 550D and when I start a img123.cr2 image I see a part of the image.
Furthermore it's a part of the most left side of the picture and completely in pink.
I'm running the svn 10.08 31633
Thanks for reading
I have the same problem w/ pink CR2 images Sad
I'm running 9.11 with W7 and on a revo 3610 (Not a processing powerhouse).

I wasn't sure if xbmc supported RAW files and was surprised to see it did, but here's my experience with it.
Open folder with hundreds of RAW CR2 files - 20-30 seconds
Open single file out of that folder - additional 20-30 seconds
That's a lot of minutes for hundreds of files

Now is it so slow because of my Revo, or because of XBMC? Could quite possibly be because of both, but I'd like to clear it up if XBMC is just slower to read them as well.

I won't be disappointed if XBMC is just slower to open RAW files, I just want to make sure I'm not doing something wrong here, I haven't used XBMC since it branched off from XBMP so I'm not aware of all the changes that have come since then. I am hopeful of the new dharma build and it's 1080P capabilities.
elnino2783 Wrote:I'm running 9.11 with W7 and on a revo 3610 (Not a processing powerhouse).

I wasn't sure if xbmc supported RAW files and was surprised to see it did, but here's my experience with it.
Open folder with hundreds of RAW CR2 files - 20-30 seconds
Open single file out of that folder - additional 20-30 seconds
That's a lot of minutes for hundreds of files

Now is it so slow because of my Revo, or because of XBMC? Could quite possibly be because of both, but I'd like to clear it up if XBMC is just slower to read them as well.

I won't be disappointed if XBMC is just slower to open RAW files, I just want to make sure I'm not doing something wrong here, I haven't used XBMC since it branched off from XBMP so I'm not aware of all the changes that have come since then. I am hopeful of the new dharma build and it's 1080P capabilities.

until you post xbmc.log showing the difference, no one can help you.
davilla Wrote:until you post xbmc.log showing the difference, no one can help you.

I'm not sure I know what you're referring to. If you mean the difference between 9.11 and dharma, I was just making a statement that I like what I've heard about dharma and can't wait to actually try it out since I haven't yet.
Can anyone verify the RAW images of a 550D are all pink Big Grin Using Dharma RC1 on Lucid.
elnino2783 Wrote:I'm not sure I know what you're referring to. If you mean the difference between 9.11 and dharma, I was just making a statement that I like what I've heard about dharma and can't wait to actually try it out since I haven't yet.

bsphere Wrote:Can anyone verify the RAW images of a 550D are all pink Big Grin Using Dharma RC1 on Lucid.
CR2 of 550D are pink (and partial) on RC2/Win7 64 bit
dumalkin Wrote:CR2 of 550D are pink (and partial) on RC2/Win7 64 bit

Just to mention, Same Problem with my canon T2i (raw) *.cr2 files. Huh
This ever get sorted?

I am a new user to XBMC and would like to be able to view .RAW files from my Nikon camera.
keithn Wrote:This ever get sorted?

I am a new user to XBMC and would like to be able to view .RAW files from my Nikon camera.

I have only two days experience - NEF display worked for me out of stock on the Windows XP laptop. The RAW display is actually killer feature for me.

The performance is little on slow side, but no catastrophic like 20sec. mentioned above. Well, FastStone is faster than XBMC but with XBMC I can look through my photo archive laying on my sofa. The slideshow is an eyecandy. Fantastic.

The only issue I encounter is some generated thumbnails are corrupted. (They look like ones in the first post of the thread http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=54637)

How to submit a bug report?

Side note: As most RAW formats NEF contains a copy of JPEG image inside the file (basic image quality). I think XBMC must display embedded JPEG. Even no Adobe application can reproduce the Nikon image developing settings to match image that comes straight from camera body. (Only ViewNX and Capture NX can do it for obvious reason.)
Cropink effect is still there - xbmc displays corner of the image in exotic pink color. Yesterday I just installed irfanview to make slideshow of our kindergarten stuff to visiting relatives .
anybody knows if normal cr2 support is planned ?

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RAW image format files (from digital cameras like Canon, Nikon, etc.) "RAW" photos0