Win Setting up environment - several errors.
Are these Wiki articles accurate for Frodo?

My environment is:
Windows 7 Pro x86
MS Visual C++ 2010 Express
Microsoft DirectX SDK June 2010
Java JRE (needed for what?)

Having some problem setting it all up, first problem is when I run buildmingwlibs.bat, there is a problem with building xbmc_asap.dll.

##### building asap dlls #####
Makefile:179: warning: overriding commands for target `clean'
../players/Makefile:31: warning: ignoring old commands for target `clean'
cl -nologo -O2 -GL -GR- -W3 -DNDEBUG -Fexbmc_asap.dll -I. -I.. -Fo../xbmc/ -LD -MD ../xbmc/xbmc_asap.c ../asap.c ../acpu.c ../apokeysnd.c ../xbmc/xbmc_asap.res -link -release
../xbmc/xbmc_asap.c(48) : warning C4996: 'fopen': This function or variable may be unsafe. Consider using fopen_s instead. To disable deprecation, use _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS. See online help for details.
        C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\INCLUDE\stdio.h(234) : see declaration of 'fopen'
../xbmc/xbmc_asap.c(119) : warning C4996: 'strcpy': This function or variable may be unsafe. Consider using strcpy_s instead. To disable deprecation, use _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS. See online help for details.
../xbmc/xbmc_asap.c(120) : warning C4996: 'strcpy': This function or variable may be unsafe. Consider using strcpy_s instead. To disable deprecation, use _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS. See online help for details.
../asap.c(1804) : warning C4996: 'strcpy': This function or variable may be unsafe. Consider using strcpy_s instead. To disable deprecation, use _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS. See online help for details.
   Creating library xbmc_asap.lib and object xbmc_asap.exp
Generating code
Finished generating code
LINK : fatal error LNK1123: failure during conversion to COFF: file invalid or corrupt
make: *** [xbmc_asap.dll] Error 2
cp: cannot stat `xbmc_asap.dll': No such file or directory
failed to compile /xbmc/system/players/paplayer/xbmc_asap.dll

I've solved it for the moment with copying it from an installed XBMC Frodo.

But after that when I try to build an untouched Frodo it fails with a couple of LINK : fatal error LNK1123: failure during conversion to COFF: file invalid or corrupt.
1>------ Skipped Build: Project: gtest, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
1>Project not selected to build for this solution configuration
2>------ Build started: Project: libPlatinum, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
3>------ Build started: Project: visDirectxSpectrum, Configuration: Debug (DirectX) Win32 ------
2>  libPlatinum.vcxproj -> D:\Source\Frodo_Base\project\VS2010Express\libs\libPlatinum\Debug\libPlatinumd.lib
3>     Creating library D:\Source\Frodo_Base\project\VS2010Express\libs\visDirectxSpectrum\Debug (DirectX)\Spectrum_win32dx.lib and object D:\Source\Frodo_Base\project\VS2010Express\libs\visDirectxSpectrum\Debug (DirectX)\Spectrum_win32dx.exp
3>LINK : fatal error LNK1123: failure during conversion to COFF: file invalid or corrupt
4>------ Build started: Project: visWaveform, Configuration: Debug (DirectX) Win32 ------
5>------ Build started: Project: ImageLib_dll, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
4>     Creating library D:\Source\Frodo_Base\project\VS2010Express\libs\visWaveform\Debug (DirectX)\Waveform.lib and object D:\Source\Frodo_Base\project\VS2010Express\libs\visWaveform\Debug (DirectX)\Waveform.exp
4>LINK : fatal error LNK1123: failure during conversion to COFF: file invalid or corrupt
6>------ Build started: Project: cpluff, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
6>     Creating library D:\Source\Frodo_Base\project\VS2010Express\libs\cpluff\Debug\cpluff.lib and object D:\Source\Frodo_Base\project\VS2010Express\libs\cpluff\Debug\cpluff.exp
6>LINK : fatal error LNK1123: failure during conversion to COFF: file invalid or corrupt
7>------ Build started: Project: libhdhomerun_dll, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
5>     Creating library Debug\vs2010\cximagecrtd.lib and object Debug\vs2010\cximagecrtd.exp
5>LINK : warning LNK4098: defaultlib 'LIBCMTD' conflicts with use of other libs; use /NODEFAULTLIB:library
5>LINK : fatal error LNK1123: failure during conversion to COFF: file invalid or corrupt
7>     Creating library D:\Source\Frodo_Base\project\VS2010Express\libs\libhdhomerun_dll\Debug\hdhomerun.lib and object D:\Source\Frodo_Base\project\VS2010Express\libs\libhdhomerun_dll\Debug\hdhomerun.exp
7>LINK : fatal error LNK1123: failure during conversion to COFF: file invalid or corrupt
8>------ Build started: Project: visMilkdrop, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
8>     Creating library D:\Source\Frodo_Base\project\VS2010Express\libs\visMilkdrop\Debug\Plugin.lib and object D:\Source\Frodo_Base\project\VS2010Express\libs\visMilkdrop\Debug\Plugin.exp
8>LINK : fatal error LNK1123: failure during conversion to COFF: file invalid or corrupt
9>------ Build started: Project: libass_dll, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
9>     Creating library Debug\vs2010\libass_win32.lib and object Debug\vs2010\libass_win32.exp
9>LINK : warning LNK4098: defaultlib 'MSVCRT' conflicts with use of other libs; use /NODEFAULTLIB:library
9>LINK : fatal error LNK1123: failure during conversion to COFF: file invalid or corrupt
10>------ Build started: Project: XBMC, Configuration: Debug (DirectX) Win32 ------
10>  AddonModuleXbmc.cpp
10>  AddonModuleXbmcaddon.cpp
10>  AddonModuleXbmcgui.cpp
10>  AddonModuleXbmcplugin.cpp
10>  AddonModuleXbmcvfs.cpp
10>LINK : fatal error LNK1123: failure during conversion to COFF: file invalid or corrupt
========== Build: 1 succeeded, 8 failed, 29 up-to-date, 1 skipped ==========

Anyone having any suggestions/solutions?
Do you have sp1 for vs2010 installed (comes with windows update)? If yes try to reinstall it.
See more infos here:
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Do not e-mail XBMC-Team members directly asking for support. Read/follow the forum rules.
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Anybody know why I suddenly have these errors?

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\bin\CL.exe /c /I..\..\ /I..\..\xbmc\ /I..\..\xbmc\cores\dvdplayer /I..\..\xbmc\win32 /I..\..\lib /I..\..\lib\ffmpeg /I"..\..\lib\ffmpeg\include-xbmc-win32" /I..\..\lib\libUPnP\Platinum\Source\Devices\MediaRenderer /I..\..\lib\libUPnP\Platinum\Source\Devices\MediaConnect /I..\..\lib\libUPnP\Platinum\Source\Devices\MediaServer /I..\..\lib\libUPnP\Platinum\Source\Platinum /I..\..\lib\libUPnP\Platinum\Source\Core /I..\..\lib\libUPnP\Platinum\Source\Extras /I..\..\lib\libUPnP\Neptune\Source\Core /I..\..\lib\libUPnP\Neptune\Source\System\Win32 /I..\..\lib\win32\pcre /I..\..\lib\win32 /I..\..\xbmc\cores\AudioEngine\ /Zi /nologo /W3 /WX- /MP /Ox /Ot /Oy /D TARGET_WINDOWS /D _WINDOWS /D _MSVC /D WIN32 /D NDEBUG /D _WIN32_WINNT=0x0501 /D NTDDI_VERSION=0x05010300 /D NOMINMAX /D _USE_32BIT_TIME_T /D HAS_DX /D __STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS /D TAGLIB_STATIC /D _VC80_UPGRADE=0x0710 /D _MBCS /GF- /Gm- /EHa /MT /GS /Gy- /arch:SSE /fp:precise /Zc:wchar_t /Zc:forScope /Yu"pch.h" /Fp"XBMC\Release (DirectX)\objs\XBMC.pch" /Fo"XBMC\Release (DirectX)\objs\\a\a\..\..\xbmc\interfaces\python\generated\\" /Fd"XBMC\Release (DirectX)\objs\vc100.pdb" /Gd /TP /wd4996 /FIpch.h /analyze- /errorReport:prompt ..\..\xbmc\interfaces\python\generated\AddonModuleXbmc.cpp ..\..\xbmc\interfaces\python\generated\AddonModuleXbmcaddon.cpp ..\..\xbmc\interfaces\python\generated\AddonModuleXbmcgui.cpp ..\..\xbmc\interfaces\python\generated\AddonModuleXbmcplugin.cpp ..\..\xbmc\interfaces\python\generated\AddonModuleXbmcvfs.cpp /MP
     1>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '..\..\xbmc\interfaces\python\generated\AddonModuleXbmc.cpp': No such file or directory
     1>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '..\..\xbmc\interfaces\python\generated\AddonModuleXbmcplugin.cpp': No such file or directory
     1>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '..\..\xbmc\interfaces\python\generated\AddonModuleXbmcaddon.cpp': No such file or directory
     1>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '..\..\xbmc\interfaces\python\generated\AddonModuleXbmcgui.cpp': No such file or directory
     1>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '..\..\xbmc\interfaces\python\generated\AddonModuleXbmcvfs.cpp': No such file or directory
     1>Done Building Project "C:\Users\Jaapp\Documents\GitHub\xbmc\project\VS2010Express\XBMC.vcxproj" (build target(s)) -- FAILED.

My build environment was fine. Did an upstream fetch and now it is no longer working. I deleted /xbmc/interfaces/python/generated, but that did not work. I deleted everything and made a new XBMC clone. That didn't work either! What is going on?
(2013-03-03, 21:06)WiSo Wrote: Do you have sp1 for vs2010 installed (comes with windows update)? If yes try to reinstall it.
See more infos here:

Thanks, I've got .NET Framework 4.5 on the computer and that seems to cause some problems, will try some of the suggestions on the links.
I installed SP1 that I had missed for some reason and that solved my building problems, .NET Framework 4.5 is still installed.

Still curious about if the Wiki articles are up-to-date, and why Java is needed.
Depends on what you mean with "the Wiki articles". The compilation guide is pretty up to date. The rest not at all. As its a community driven project feel free to fix or add anything which is needed.
java is needed for groovy to generate our python bindings. See tools\codegenerator\GenerateSWIGBindings.bat.
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Do not e-mail XBMC-Team members directly asking for support. Read/follow the forum rules.
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I meant the articles in my first post, Java is only mention in one of them and SDL.dll wasn't in the dependecies directory.

I think the Wiki devolopment area is one I definitely should keep away from. Big Grin

Thanks for the help and the explanation about Java.
Sdl.dll isn't needed anymore.
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Setting up environment - several errors.0