Variables Support in Local Information Only (.NFO) scraper
I suspect I know the answer to this already but in case ... two part question I suppose.

Firstly; is it possible to specify variables in the ARTIST.NFO and/or ALBUM.NFO file? The .NFO file contains file paths within tags such as:


Is there an internal XBMC variable that can be specified in place of "smb://NAS/Share"? Something similar to:


I'm looking to make the .NFO files as "transportable" as possible.

Secondly; assuming variables are supported/possible, does the Local Information Only (.NFO) scraper know to expand the variable on-the-fly or during an Scan/Update Library?

Tried using relative paths?

Note that the <path> tag is unused.
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Hi Jonathan,

Great to see you're still so involved ... last time we chatted was back when XBMC FOR XB was all the rage.

Not sure I understand, the <path> tag in the NFO is deprecated?

Would you have a link on using relative paths/tags in NFO files? I'm currently testing XBMC 13.1 with Windows but ultimately, I'll be updating my aTV2.

<path> has never been required. It's only there for import from full XML (and even then I don't think it's used for music!)

A quick look through the code, though, shows that the relative-path stuff for images only works for video, not music. Not sure it's easy to do - the path information looks as though it might be there (though how accurate I'm not sure!) for artist at least.

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Appreciate you making time to have a look.

Would have been a nice to have in case a network device and/or device name ever needed swapping out. For now, I'll leave the fully qualified paths in both the <path> and <thumb> tags for the time being.

I can always cook up a script to parse through the NFO and swap out the path elements if need be ... was just thinking a bit ahead of myself.

Much appreciated!

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Variables Support in Local Information Only (.NFO) scraper0