Bug EPG Navigation Inconsistent and Non Intuitive
When hitting Page Up / Page Down - the EPG does seem to act like a proper EPG.

I expect it to skip forward / back - 24Hrs not just scroll up / down the EPG page.

I'm not the only one asking this question either:

Now when I issue the Step Forward key command the EPG skips 12hrs forward.
Likewise Step back - EPG skips 12hrs backwards.

Same commands (left square bracket / right) results in no EPG navigation at all. No
Even these bracket commands seem completely backwards and make no sense ? ? ? ?

Why am I getting non-intuitive and inconsistent behaviour in the EPG across various platforms ?
(Default Keymaps)

How can I get the Page Up and Page Down buttons to skip 24Hrs when only within the EPG ?


you have to use the built-in commands "skipnext" and "skipprevious" to skip -/+12 hours in EPG.

you can map each button you like to this commands.
please take a look at http://kodi.wiki/view/Keymap and http://kodi.wiki/view/Window_IDs
Ok Cheers, but why is there no consistency across platforms ?
(Gotham Versions)

Is the Kodi Keyboard controls Wiki out of date - OSX (left square bracket / right) makes no sense at all. ?

I would have at least expected these basic controls to work straight out of the box without having to resort to custom keymaps.
Maybe I'm asking too much, or hopefully this will be fixed in Helix Final. Smile

Finally success !
Page Up / Down mapped to 12Hrs skip forwards / backwards in EPG Timeline View


Final question could you issue two >skipnext< commands for the one keystroke. ie. 12Hrs x 2 = 24Hrs ?

In most windows pageup / pagedown is used to skip a page in the item listing.
If you want a different behavior for the EPG you have to change the default keymaps. That's what you've done already Wink

I'm not sure if it is possible to call more than one command per mapping.
(2014-12-16, 15:45)xhaggi Wrote: If you want a different behavior for the EPG you have to change the default keymaps. That's what you've done already Wink
I'm not sure if it is possible to call more than one command per mapping.

Just a stray thought, & NB I have not tried this myself, but if your remote generates both key-down and key-up events via LIRC, as the button is first pressed then released respectively, could you map those to get the 2-commands per mapping you seek to give yourself 2x12hrs?
So map e.g. KEY_NEXT & KEY_NEXT_UP

Lircmap.xml has e.g.

You couldn't map KEY_NEXT & KEY_NEXT_UP (or KEY_UP & KEY_UP_UP depending on your key preferences) to the same <skipplus>|<skipnext>|<up> key as you'd get a double entry everywhere it was used in the UI.
But map the latter <button>_UP to a button that is NOT represented on your remote (e.g. my remote doesn't have a language button) then assigned that button that in remote.xml keymap TVGuide to skipnext etc...

...so something like this in Lircmap.xml

then the keymap
then in the global section of a keymap, disable language so that it doesn't fire outside the TVGuide section of the UI...

Have a go, no idea if it'll work, as it's just a thought-experiment ...

[Or log a feature request for more of the hardcoded defaults like 12hrs to be exposed via advancedsettings.xml]

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EPG Navigation Inconsistent and Non Intuitive0