Linux Kubuntu + Kodi: VU PVR could not found
I´m new here and at 1st let me apologize for my bad English.

I tried to install the new Kodi on Kubuntu (last version) .....
all updates are up to date

The problem is, that it is´nt possible to find and install the VU-PVR-addon ... it´s nothing there.
It could be found an old version 1.9.11 - but that did´nt work!

The Kodi - installation under Windows7 works fine ... VU pvr plugin 1.9.20 which comes with Kodi .... was found and installed correctly.

Could anybody tell me whats wrong and could help me?

Thank you so much....

I could solve the problem.

The VU-pvr-addon was not downloaded and installed by default!

sudo apt-get install kodi-pvr-vuplus

was the solution...

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Kubuntu + Kodi: VU PVR could not found0