some help please with text box
hi ! i made this texbox for a add-on

whit this python code :
def info(item):"pelisalacarta.bricocine trailer")
    data = scrapertools.cachePage(url)
    data = re.sub(r"\n|\r|\t|\s{2}| ","",data)
    if "temporada" in item.title:
       title= scrapertools.get_match(data,'<span class="title">.*?Torrent.*?([^"]+) ')
        title= scrapertools.get_match(data,'<span class="title">([^"]+)</span>')
        title = title.replace(title,"[COLOR aqua][B]"+title+"[/B][/COLOR]")
        plot = scrapertools.get_match(data,'<div class="description" itemprop="text.*?">([^<]+).*?</div></div></div>')
        plot_title = "Sinopsis" + "[CR]"
        plot_title = plot_title.replace(plot_title,"[COLOR red]"+plot_title+"[/COLOR]")
        plot= plot_title + plot
        plot = plot.replace(plot,"[COLOR white][B]"+plot+"[/B][/COLOR]")
        tbd = TextBox("DialogTextViewer.xml", os.getcwd(), "Default")
        tbd.ask(title, plot,fanart)
        del tbd

    import xbmc, xbmcgui
    class TextBox( xbmcgui.WindowXMLDialog ):
        """ Create a skinned textbox window """
        def __init__( self, *args, **kwargs):
        def onInit( self ):
                self.getControl( 5 ).setText( self.text )
                self.getControl( 1 ).setLabel( self.title )
            except: pass
        def onClick( self, controlId ):
        def onFocus( self, controlId ):
        def onAction( self, action ):
        def ask(self, title, text, image ):
            self.title = title
            self.text = text

i would like to insert in the texbox a thumbnail image or a cleart like with the info (plot) i have made .
could someone help me with this?

Thanks Wink

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some help please with text box0