Solved need input on very slow view album sql in musiclibary.
When pressing an artist in kodi to view albums, this is the sql query kodi uses.

SELECT albumview.* FROM albumview JOIN song ON song.idAlbum = albumview.idAlbum JOIN song_artist ON song.idSong = song_artist.idSong JOIN album_artist ON albumview.idAlbum = album_artist.idAlbum WHERE song_artist.idArtist = 1919 OR  album_artist.idArtist = 1919 GROUP BY albumview.idAlbum

3 rows in set (2.70 sec)

I played around a bit, and came to this.

select album.idAlbum, album.strAlbum, album.strMusicBrainzAlbumID, album.strArtists, album.strGenres, album.iYear, album.strMoods, album.strStyles, album.strThemes, album.strReview, album.strLabel, album.strType, album.strImage, album.iRating, album.bCompilation, MIN(song.iTimesPlayed)
FROM album JOIN song ON song.idAlbum = album.idAlbum JOIN album_artist ON album.idAlbum = album_artist.idAlbum JOIN song_artist ON song.idSong = song_artist.idSong where song_artist.idArtist = 1919 OR album_artist.idArtist = 1919 GROUP BY album.idAlbum;

(1.06 sec)

if you only check album_artist.idArtist with the later queryits down to 0.02s.

So far ive tried about 30 artists I have and get the same results so far, any input? is this useable?
I've been looking at this together with soppman (marantz) in IRC and so far it looks like it is MUCH faster, especially with large libraries.

I put this here to save people some time when he they want to take a look at it:

I've had a search through the code and found which lists:

option = options.find("artistid");
    if (option != options.end())
      filter.AppendJoin("JOIN song ON song.idAlbum = albumview.idAlbum "
                        "JOIN song_artist ON song.idSong = song_artist.idSong "
                        "JOIN album_artist ON albumview.idAlbum = album_artist.idAlbum");
      filter.AppendWhere(PrepareSQL("      song_artist.idArtist = %i" // All albums linked to this artist via songs
                                    " OR  album_artist.idArtist = %i", // All albums where album artists fit
                                    (int)option->second.asInteger(), (int)option->second.asInteger()));

but the albumview.* part comes from somewhere else and is probably also used for other queries, which makes it a bit tricky.
I also noticed that the albumview is already joined on the song, and grouped by album.idalbum


m_pDS->exec("CREATE VIEW albumview AS SELECT "
              "        album.idAlbum AS idAlbum, "
              "        strAlbum, "
              "        strMusicBrainzAlbumID, "
              "        album.strArtists AS strArtists, "
              "        album.strGenres AS strGenres, "
              "        album.iYear AS iYear, "
              "        album.strMoods AS strMoods, "
              "        album.strStyles AS strStyles, "
              "        strThemes, "
              "        strReview, "
              "        strLabel, "
              "        strType, "
              "        album.strImage as strImage, "
              "        iRating, "
              "        bCompilation, "
              "        MIN(song.iTimesPlayed) AS iTimesPlayed, "
              "        strReleaseType "
              "FROM album"
              " LEFT OUTER JOIN song ON"
              "   album.idAlbum=song.idAlbum "
              "GROUP BY album.idAlbum");
using a UNION select

select album.idAlbum, album.strAlbum, album.strMusicBrainzAlbumID, album.strArtists, album.strGenres, album.iYear, album.strMoods, album.strStyles, album.strThemes,  album.strReview, album.strLabel, album.strType, album.strImage, album.iRating, album.bCompilation, MIN(song.iTimesPlayed)    FROM album JOIN song ON song.idAlbum = album.idAlbum JOIN album_artist ON album.idAlbum = album_artist.idAlbum JOIN song_artist ON song.idSong = song_artist.idSong  where song_artist.idArtist = 2011  UNION select album.idAlbum, album.strAlbum, album.strMusicBrainzAlbumID, album.strArtists, album.strGenres, album.iYear, album.strMoods, album.strStyles, album.strThemes,  album.strReview, album.strLabel, album.strType, album.strImage, album.iRating, album.bCompilation, MIN(song.iTimesPlayed)    FROM album JOIN song ON song.idAlbum = album.idAlbum JOIN album_artist ON album.idAlbum = album_artist.idAlbum JOIN song_artist ON song.idSong = song_artist.idSong  where album_artist.idArtist = 2011  GROUP BY album.idAlbum;
Im down to 0.02s
Seems like views are simply that slow, even without joins etc.
I made a test view called sippan like this:

select `album`.`idAlbum` AS `idAlbum`, `album`.`strAlbum` AS `strAlbum`,`album`.`strMusicBrainzAlbumID` AS `strMusicBrainzAlbumID`,`album`.`strArtists` AS `strArtists` from album group by `album`.`idAlbum`

No joins, or other stuff. as you can see its still slow.

MySQL [music49]> select * from sippan where idAlbum = 2 ;
| idAlbum | strAlbum | strMusicBrainzAlbumID | strArtists |
| 2 | People's Instinctive Travels and the Paths of Rhythm | NULL | A Tribe Called Quest |
1 row in set (0.48 sec)

MySQL [music49]>
select * from album where idAlbum = 2 ;
<output removed>
1 row in set (0.01 sec)
Tried with sqlite, works fine.


Run Time: real 1.717 user 1.406408 sys 0.306259 kodi default
Run Time: real 0.001 user 0.001234 sys 0.000294 no view

CPU Time: user 9.710000 sys 0.940000 kodi query
CPU Time: user 0.010000 sys 0.000000 no view

maybe the db will fly even on raspberrys if no views would be used.
the sql need to happen within the view I guess
perhaps its possible to create a view with this:

select album.idAlbum, album.strAlbum, album.strMusicBrainzAlbumID, album.strArtists, album.strGenres, album.iYear, album.strMoods, album.strStyles, album.strThemes,  album.strReview, album.strLabel, album.strType, album.strImage, album.iRating, album.bCompilation, MIN(song.iTimesPlayed)    FROM album JOIN song ON song.idAlbum = album.idAlbum JOIN album_artist ON album.idAlbum = album_artist.idAlbum JOIN song_artist ON song.idSong = song_artist.idSong    UNION select album.idAlbum, album.strAlbum, album.strMusicBrainzAlbumID, album.strArtists, album.strGenres, album.iYear, album.strMoods, album.strStyles, album.strThemes,  album.strReview, album.strLabel, album.strType, album.strImage, album.iRating, album.bCompilation, MIN(song.iTimesPlayed)    FROM album JOIN song ON song.idAlbum = album.idAlbum JOIN album_artist ON album.idAlbum = album_artist.idAlbum JOIN song_artist ON song.idSong = song_artist.idSong    GROUP BY album.idAlbum

and let kodi insert where album_artist.idArtist = % and where song_artist.idArtist = % into the view when searching
if nothing is inserted it shows all like it does now.

edit: that would suck
fixed with
(2015-04-14, 21:06)xhaggi Wrote: fixed with

here is another slow SELECT * FROM season_view WHERE season_view.idShow = 45 if you feel bored.

it also got a group by in the view. thanks for the last fix btw!!

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need input on very slow view album sql in musiclibary.0