Release HDMI Powersave Mode
Automates turning off HDMI output after user-defined extended idle time.


Triggers after the default Kodi screensaver so that no other settings need to be changed and original screensaver functionality remains intact.
Created for Raspberry Pi but should work on various Linux devices. Not fully tested on other platforms.


Github source: script.service.hdmipowersave

Work in progress and feedback is welcome!

this is good, but anyway for it to trigger say 5 minutes after the screensaver? Pause video > get distracted > screen saver kick in after x minutes > waits another x minutes > turns of TV.

I have the screen saver set to come up in 1 minute but would like the TV to stay on for 15 minutes before it powers off.

Also is this relying on HDMI-CEC?
Sorry for the delay, notifications didn't forward correctly.

This is the exact functionality I have implemented. It will trigger at a user-defined interval following the start of the built-in screen saver.

This does not use HDMI-CEC. Rather, it shuts off the HDMI output from the device.
You should upload this adding to the main repo so everyone can use it.

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HDMI Powersave Mode1