HDHomerun terrible performance
Well I did not buy that MPEG2 license that I was told I needed to get this working. I upgraded to 17 and then did a fresh install and my Kodi will now play my HDHomerun channels via using the PVR Client. Just wanted to give everyone an update.

Thanks for all the help!
I am very much a newbie, so maybe most people know this.

I just recently bought a HDHomeRun PRIME box and got a CableCard (Brighthouse/Spectrum SE MI). I installed Kodi on my Win7 box and thought life was wonderful ! After about 5-10 minutes the audio would drop ou and not return until I restarted Kodi.

Long story short, immediately after starting Kodi, if you change its PRIORITY to Above Normal, Windows does amuch better job of managing the threads and your audio drop out problem is solved !
For those that may come years later like me, searching for poor streaming performance for your HDHomerun tuner to Kodi (live channels). Try the above but also check your addon settings.

Changing the setting below fixed it for me:
Add-on config -> Advanced -> 'Stream Live TV channels directly from tuner device(s)' to on

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