Amber weather info
I currently have a Raspberry Pi 3 with OSMC (Jarvis) on it and am using the Amber skin. I like everything about Amber, except for the lack of Weather info on the home screen. I know that there is that little bar at the bottom that tells you the current weather condition, but what I really want is a 5-day forecast that floats in the middle or top of the screen when I hover over the weather tab. I have seen this on a few other skins, but none of the skins that I have tried work for me as well as Amber does. I have looked around online for a solution to this issue, but have come up short.

If anyone knows of any way to enable this feature on the Amber skin, then I would really appreciate a little bit of guidance.

This feature is available in the Krypton version only which should be available now that OSMC has released their Krypton version.

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