Req Add Edition option
Could you add "Remastered" as an option in the Edition items?

On that, I ask how it is best to handle such things. I mean, you can have a 480p, 720p, 1080p, 4K, 10bit, H265, etc.... all different reasons one would have multiple copies of a movie, but not necessarily all appropriate for the Edition list. In my case, my distinction is "Mastered in 4K". With that, I thought "Remastered" is appropriate and clear enough, as well as a correct term choice for the process that was done.

As far as why have multiple copies, one reason that quickly comes to mind is playability. When playing on a TV, especially an HDTV, a 1080p is desirable, but when playing on a laptop, phone or similar, a 720 is more desirable, if not a 480 just due to the smaller screen and processing power to decode a 1080 or a H265 vs a H264 is high and with little to no gain on the smaller screens. Others may have other reasons, but that is the only reason I have for keeping multiple copies that are otherwise a duplicate and not differentiated via the Edition selection.

Given my explanation and reason for request, if you feel there is a better alternative to adding "Remastered", please advise. My idea here is only a suggestion to resolve the stated issue.

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