Translations - help wanted!
Great skin

Can help you with the Brazilian Portuguese translation.

Big Grin
Muito obrigado Misera!
Bitcoin donations: 1Hvo9rWzhAVbuPrshgaGZaD7qcLFTCPuiv
[Skin] Pellucid
[Skin] Maximinimalism
I join to translate into Spanish.
Hello DeadMan,

Don't know if this request is still relevant, but I can help to translate (French).

Best Regards,

Is the translation in Brazilian portuguese done?

I can do it if you still need.
Hi DeadMan,
I can help with translation to Polish language. I'm using Kodi 19.4 with the Pellucid skin and noticed that some lines are still not translated. So if You want I can help Smile
(2022-03-10, 01:15)ekondi Wrote: I can help with translation to Polish language. I'm using Kodi 19.4 with the Pellucid skin and noticed that some lines are still not translated. So if You want I can help Smile

FYI, Kodi's translations are now done via the Weblate translation service. You can find more info in the Translations and Languages forum section.

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Translations - help wanted!0