Kodi live from FOSDEM
Team-Kodi will hold several presentations at the FOSDEM event today.

  • 14:45-15:35 UTC - Kodi and Embedded Linux (talk by lrusak)
  • 17:05-17:30 UTC - Wayland client basics (talk by yol)

These presentations can be viewed live here:
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Will you have recording, for later watch?
FOSDEM usually records some (all?) talks and they will be available a few days months after the event here: https://video.fosdem.org/
once these are available, look for recordings from room K.4.401
Do not PM or e-mail Team-Kodi members directly asking for support.
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In the past it actually took months before they were available.
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This year FOSDEM has really improved the video pipeline, and the talks done by @Martijn and @yol are already online.
We are waiting for the last video of the talk by @lrusak to be online as well.
Just watched all 3 talks, very well presented!

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Kodi live from FOSDEM0