[split] Kodi 17.1 - Problem Live TV disabled
I am new to this whole streaming device game, while I love it I am very disappointed in the live TV area, I have very fast Ethernet wired internet service into a MeCool BB2 device and yet last night I was watching ESPN major league baseball and it skipped around like it was buffering on and off, I left the stream for about an hour and when I returned it seemed to straighten out......Is this the best I can hope for?
(2017-05-22, 19:28)900fusion Wrote: I am new to this whole streaming device game, while I love it I am very disappointed in the live TV area, I have very fast Ethernet wired internet service into a MeCool BB2 device and yet last night I was watching ESPN major league baseball and it skipped around like it was buffering on and off, I left the stream for about an hour and when I returned it seemed to straighten out......Is this the best I can hope for?

Please don't hijack another's thread, especially if the subject is off-topic. I'm splitting off your comment.

You have post in a thread (and this sub-forum in fact) dedicated to live TV via a PVR (wiki) server getting it's signal from an antenna for example not IPTV streaming as your post indicates.

What is the source of your channels? Please bare in mind our Forum rules (wiki) and Piracy policy (wiki) if you have not already reviewed them.
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[split] Kodi 17.1 - Problem Live TV disabled0