Creating local NFO files???

I'm a complete noob to all this, so forgive me please for this question.

But i am just wondering how one has to structure their custom-created NFOs?

What i mean is do i have to set them up as they are here:

(NOTE: please click on one of the NFO files to see how they are structured)


Can i use the very clean, neat looking structure found here:

The latter option makes much more sense to me and is something that doesn't just look like a crowded bunch of text and code like the ones on the Aeonproject site...

So, can i use either format? Keep in mind that i do not wish to have my PC ever go online as the only internet connection available is dial-up...

So, i would be using this XBMC PC offline, all the time.

So, i am just wondering if anybody can tell me for certain that creating my own custom NFOs in such a way they will be able to use all the info locally?

Because i cant get on the internet i need a way of adding all info, thumbnails, fanart etc. locallly...

Is all this possible...Or am i asking for too much, and should i just give up on this dream??

Thanks anybody who has any ideas..

Anything would be appreciated.

XML is XML, so long as the tags all match up it doesn't really matter. I honestly don't see any difference between the aeon examples and the ones on the wiki. Contrary to popular belief, AEON doesn't have any custom nfo format.

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Creating local NFO files???0