Crash to desktop with music vis presets

Play an MP3
Go to fullscreen vis
Bring up menu, switch vis to ProjectM_win32
In menu, try to bring up presets menu
Crash to desktop

Debug log:

Can anybody else confirm? Of note is that I first encountered it in Aeon where I managed to get to the presets menu but it crashed while I was changing presets. I then switched to PM3 to verify and it kept crashing as soon as I entered the presets menu.

Unrelated, but by default does it switch randomly between presets? Can I control how quickly it does?
ProjectM is known to have some problems in win32. Sometimes it crashes very often and sometimes not so it's difficult to reproduce. changing presets worked fine for me and yes they change randomly. There's a config file in visualisations/project? afaik dunno if you can change the time between presets.
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Well if anybody's interested in trying to nail down the crash I'm willing to help since it seems 100% reproducible to me right now. I can run a debug DLL or EXE and send the results your way if you'd like...
That's nice thank you but dll debugging is a pita. I really would like to get the newer version of projectM running on win32 but need more time there.
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OK well the offer stands to hop on IRC and help out if you need it. My projectM crashes constantly doing any number of things (including pausing, apparently...) so I'll have no problem generating a crash log for you :0)

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Crash to desktop with music vis presets0