Change Default Select Action in My Videos
Hi there,

Currently, my movies are each in separate folders. I use CoverFlow to scan through them. When I hit <select> on a given title, it takes me into that folder showing the available video file(s). However, I'd rather that the default action from hitting <select> bring up the movie information screen directly, instead of going into the folder, in order to avoid constantly navigating the context menu.

I've searched the forums, but couldn't find an answer to this (though I'm sure someone will have a tersely worded response accompanying a link to exactly this). Can someone help?


Alter the source. See GUIWindowVideoFiles.cpp.

Or just use library view.
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Yeah, in library view you could change the keymap.xml under the video section (or global if you want)?
ZOTAC IONITX-D-E Intel Atom N330 Dual Core 1.6 GHz NVIDIA ION with LIVE on SSD (now updated to Nvidia Shield Pro (P2897)
Thanks, I'll give that a shot once I figure out how to fix my borked video drivers.

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Change Default Select Action in My Videos1