File server storage format
I am currently experimenting with switching from file mode to library mode for my videos.

My Music Videos are working well.

My Movies are about 90% good, but have a few issues:

I have all of my movies in a single share (\\server\movies)

They are all within their own individual folder, and Ember works great for this.

But what it the best way to store multi disc DVD's?

for example I have 3 iso files for "The Long Way Round" (disc 1,2,3) stacking doesnt seem right, as they are 3 different DVDs not 3 parts of 1 movie

What is the best way to store these so that XBMC and EMM will work correctly?

I also have a bunch of documentaries, which EMM doesnt seem to like and they are not really "Movies" and IMDB scraping wont work for them.

This makes the Library mode of XBMC a bit of a pain.

What are people doing with Documentaries, Home Movies and TV Recordings in XBMC? it seems that Library mode is a bit limited on video type. or am I just doing something wrong?

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