FORUMS Haliday fun. Play the story game for a limited time only.
Big Grin 
I decided to post this because I think laughing is better than moaning about something, so without further delay I introduce you to the XBMC 'unofficial' Fictional Story.

Each user will continue the other users, sentence, anything goes use your imagination and lean, fun witty, creative and most of all, hilarious!


Must be over 18 or older § have creative nonsensical skills. No one as to play this but everyone should.

Health Warning:

This comes with no Warranty Explicit or implied to the maximum extent of its duration, if anyone should split a side, well you been warned...

How the world began!
[SIZE=1]Chapter 1

The was nothing but darkness, and suddenly a bright light Exploded... Some call it the big bang, I call it turning the microscope on...

So Let me start this story I know am in a petri dish I don't know what I am but I am, I think therefore I exist. I have this memory of baked beans, maybe I'm a baked bean, I have to find out what I am...

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FORUMS Haliday fun. Play the story game for a limited time only.0