Removing artists from library
high all,
I scanned some new albums to my library but the ID Tags were mixed up so now there are some artists from compilations in my library. Question is how can i remove them from the library? In movies theres the option "remove from library" but i couldn't find this in music. Also tried clean library option under music settings but it dint helped. Other way i gonna delete the whole DB and rescan all? Would be happy for any hint Smile

The way I did was:

Remove the source
then go to-
Setting>Music>Clean Library

Then fixed what I had too and re-added source

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Hili Wrote:high all,
I scanned some new albums to my library but the ID Tags were mixed up so now there are some artists from compilations in my library. Question is how can i remove them from the library? In movies theres the option "remove from library" but i couldn't find this in music. Also tried clean library option under music settings but it dint helped. Other way i gonna delete the whole DB and rescan all? Would be happy for any hint Smile

If you don't scare easily, you could edit the music database with some SQLite tool like SQLiteSpy. The music db is located in userdata\databases\MyVideos34.db
The queries you should run are:
Quote:DELETE FROM song WHERE idArtist in(SELECT idArtist FROM artist WHERE strArtist IN("ArtistName1","ArtistName2",...,"ArtistNameN"));
DELETE FROM artist WHERE strArtist IN("ArtistName1","ArtistName2",...,"ArtistNameN");
Replace "ArtistName1","ArtistName2",...,"ArtistNameN" with the list of artists you want to delete between double quotes and separated by commas.
Be extra careful when typing the queries though, or you could end up deleting more data than intended.
Or just fix tags scans then "Update Library". It'll take care of it for you.
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thx, jmarshal i fixed the tags already but then i run "clean up library" i thought with updating the library its only looking for new items not for changed ones. I will try that..... thx

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