RssFeeds.xml issues
Dear all,

After a bad file manipulation, my RssFeeds.xml has been deleted.

Now when I go to parameters/appearance I'm systematically get the following error message:

Error: RssFeeds.xml was either not found in the system, or does not contain parsable XML. try deleting it from your userdata folder and restartin...

So the file is not existing anymore in userdata folder as I deleted it (sorry Eek)
I tried to create a new on with some code found on the web but still I'm getting the same message.


- Is there a way to generate that default file automatically?
- If not where can I find it for download?
- any other idea?

Thanks in advance for your help,

(using Confluence on an AppleTV 1st gen)
Rename your userata folder, start and close XBMC, and it should create a new userdata folder. Copy the rssfeed.xml into your old userdata folder then rename it back.

If that doesn't work try renaming the XBMC folder in your profile (%appdata%\xbmc in Windows, $home\.xbmc (I think) in *nix).

Thanks a lot... It worked!

Hi, XBMC team, and other forum people.

I have exactly the same error:

Error: RssFeeds.xml was either not found in the system, or does not contain parsable XML. try deleting it from your userdata folder and restartin...

This is what i´ve done:

1. I´m using Confluence skin on an AppleTV 1st gen
2. I change the location to Spanish, Mexico
3. Enter to RSS edit, and (really i don´t remember what i did) but i delete everything.
4. After that i always have the error:RssFeeds.xml was either not found...
5. i uninstall the xbmc and re-install the Dharma version (didn´t work)
6. i tried renaming the userdata name by userdata.old, restart XBMC but the program never create again the userdata folder.
7. My next step was rename the XBMC folder by XBMC.old, the software cannot run again (obviusly), and reinstall everything again, the system create again a new folder XBMC with the userdata and the RssFeeds.xml, but also didn´t work.

Please i´m going crazy HEEELPPPP!!!

The last thing that i made was to enable the debugging and log everything, what i found was:

17:29:38 T:52490240 M: 29515776 NOTICE: [SCRIPT] 'RSS Editor: version 1.5.6' initialized!
17:29:39 T:2684407808 M: 29384704 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (/mnt/Scratch/Users/frontrow/Applications/ ------
17:29:39 T:2684407808 M: 29384704 INFO: Loading skin file: /mnt/Scratch/Users/frontrow/Applications/
17:29:39 T:2684407808 M: 29380608 DEBUG: unable to load /Users/frontrow/Library/Application Support/XBMC/addons/script.rss.editor/resources/language/English(US)/strings.xml: Failed to open file at line 0

i thought that was because doesn´s exist the folder English (US), i tried creating one, and copying the strings.xml inside, but also didn´t work


Thank You.

In this link can find the log:

the file is: xmbc.log (open with workpad or notepad++)

Hijacking this thread here…   Is there a way to limit how many feed items are shown from each source?   Say if I have 4 feeds, show only the first 3 from each?  Doesn't appear to be in wiki…   If not it would be a nice feature to implement, tho I realize few use RSS anymore, I like it muchly.

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