- Cant find Pellucid skin (8 Replies)
- Not possible to Rewind or FastForward in the audio player? (0 Replies)
- Pellucid modified to use as Android launcher (11 Replies)
- Looking for support on this skin (3 Replies)
- Multiple movie indexes (0 Replies)
- Subtitles from external file (0 Replies)
- Pellucid Skin - watched state (2 Replies)
- change to remote bg location (0 Replies)
- Pellucid [Kodi Krypton] (307 Replies)
- Help wanted to increase poster size (for an old person) (4 Replies)
- Pellucid [Kodi Leia] (258 Replies)
- Translations - help wanted! (21 Replies)
- Amazing skin - Want to help with german translation (9 Replies)
- Menu Power (0 Replies)
- Display Fanart Pellucid v2.3 Kodi Matrix v19.0 (8 Replies)
- Change list view to thumbnails in video (non-movie) source (1 Reply)
- Wallpaper Background (0 Replies)
- Wallpaper Background (1 Reply)
- Wiki pages (4 Replies)
- Add Favorites Section to the main screen (0 Replies)