Meta-Data provider and Artwork Packs
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- fanart download problems ? (7 Replies)
- Try: Webshare (6 Replies)
- What skins support weather and music fanart? (1 Reply)
- How to make FanArt for music? (1 Reply)
- Anyone else thought of this??? (1 Reply)
- fanart.swf insted fanart.jpg (0 Replies)
- New Splash Art (0 Replies)
- Question: global Sizing (0 Replies)
- Fan art supported skins (4 Replies)
- Backdrop bit-depth problem? (1 Reply)
- XBMC Build with Fanart Screensaver (1 Reply)
- fanart for dvd folders (1 Reply)
- site with wide video game banners (3 Replies)
- FanArt in FileView PM3.HD (1 Reply)
- Backdrop sharing and requests? (27 Replies)
- FanArt & Copyright? (1 Reply)
- FanArt usage question (11 Replies)
- Guidelines and tools/help for making FanArt and Icons for XBMC (0 Replies)
- - Movies and Music Artists FanArt Backdrops (73 Replies)
- Please stop supporting 720p (12 Replies)